Experience The Talent At Royal High School Bath’s LAMDA Showcase

Last week, forty Speech & Drama students put on a stunning display of Poetry reciting, Public Speaking, and Acting at the inaugural LAMDA showcase. Everything from Shakespeare to modern-day works was performed by pupils aged between 5 and 13.

It was an amazing sight to behold all the gifted performers coming together and putting on a magnificent show for a large crowd, enabling our students to excel in front of the audience at our Memorial Hall.

Mrs. Lattuca says:

“Congratulations to all our LAMDA performers! Not only have they all achieved fantastic LAMDA examination results of Merit and Distinction grades these past two terms, but they have proven what superstars they all are at being able to adapt so seamlessly in presenting their work to a large audience, and not just the LAMDA examiner or teacher. The whole Drama department could not be any prouder and we look forward in making this anannual event in the school calendar.”

The LAMDA showcase at the Royal High School Bath celebrated the transformative power of arts education, demonstrating the potential of young people to excel in their passions and pursuits. It serves as a reminder of the value of investing in the arts and providing opportunities for young people to develop their talents and reach their fullest potential.

Source: Royal High School Bath

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