UiB AI 6: Learning Analytics And Ai In Education – Unlock The Power Of AI

In this seminar series named “UiB AI,” our colleagues from SLATE will focus on the contemporary and stimulating topic of using both learning analytics and artificial intelligence in education.

SLATE’s work on learning analytics and artificial intelligence in education will be presented by Professor Barbara Wasson, Senior Researcher Mohammad Khalil, Associate Professor Malgorzata Cyndecka, and Postdoc Anja Salzmann in this edition of the “UiB AI” seminar series.

The University of Bergen has created the “UiB AI” seminar series to coordinate and promote research, education, and collaboration with external partners regarding artificial intelligence. This series highlights how AI tools can positively impact research and education.

Using AI in education (AIED) is an area of research established during the 1980s, focused on providing AI support for the learning process. AI&ED explores the links between artificial intelligence and education, encompassing topics like learning with AI, understanding Artificial Intelligence better, and getting ready for it.

On April 14th, SLATE at the University of Bergen will host a UiB AI seminar to discuss further their research on learning analytics and Artificial Intelligence in education through diverse perspectives, including legal, ethical, cultural, technological, and pedagogical perspectives. All are welcome to attend.‍

The UiB AI 6 conference highlighted the potential of AI in education and the need for ongoing research, development, and evaluation of AI-powered learning analytics tools and adaptive learning systems. By working collaboratively to ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly and ethically, we can unlock the full potential of this transformative technology to improve student learning outcomes and enhance the educational experience for all learners.

Source: slate.uib.no

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