Putin And Xi Look To Weaponize AI Against The US: The Growing Threat Of AI

An open letter signed by Elon Musk, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, and over one thousand other renowned people has recently caused alarm regarding the advancements in artificial intelligence (A.I.). Now, you can listen to Fox News articles about this topic.

The letter urged the world’s top laboratories to temporarily halt this powerful technology for a half-year period due to its “deep and far-reaching implications for society and humanity.”

Taking the time to contemplate the potential impacts of this unpredictable new technology could be advantageous. Nevertheless, our adversaries will not remain idle while the U.S. engages in a philosophical discussion about purpose and consequence.

On March 21, a joint statement was released noting that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping declared to bring forth a new global order against the United States. During their meeting in Moscow, both authoritarian leaders made this vow.

The pair says:

“By combining our wealth of research capacity and industrial capabilities, Russia and China can become world leaders in information technology, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence (AI),”

“Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era,”

A.I. is considered part of the fourth industrial revolution, in addition to the Internet of Things, genetic engineering, and quantum computing. This powerful technology can be used for malicious purposes by America’s primary adversaries – China and Russia – as a weapon against the U.S.

China’s New A.I. Requirements – Reflecting Socialist Values

China’s commitment to A.I. was evident in 2017 when the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan was issued. Kaifu Li, a former director of Google China, noted this as the nation’s A.I. awakening. This moment coincided with the famous match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol at the Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul’s Gwanghwamun district on March 19, 2016. While South Korean T.V. networks were broadcasting it live, an astonishing 60 million Chinese viewers tuned in, along with 100,000 English-speaking viewers watching through YouTube.

The news that a computer could outplay the world champion in chess amazed the Chinese. Six months later, the Chinese Communist Party declared that Beijing would be at the forefront of artificial intelligence by 2030.

China’s A.I. strategy has focused on three main objectives: surveillance of its people, economic growth, and potential warfare. They have already started using software powered by A.I., called “one person, one file,” to collect and store a large amount of information about its citizens to assess loyalty and risk towards the government.

People traveling to China, particularly business leaders and government representatives, should be aware of the potential risks posed by the Chinese authorities’ extensive “sharp eyes” surveillance camera system, which monitors all movement continuously.

Concerning its armed forces, the Chinese Communist Party has set out to achieve “intelligentization” and “informatization” of warfare through Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). For this purpose, China’s Ministry of National Defense has established two research centers: the Artificial Intelligence Research Center and the Unmanned Systems Research Center.

The Academy of Military Science within the People’s Liberation Army was asked to ensure that their combat strategies take advantage of advanced technologies such as A.I. and autonomous systems.

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China has targeted the U.S. with its AI-driven warfare doctrine to gain control over Taiwan, which is part of a long-standing Chinese policy goal. Instead of following the same military modernization approach as the U.S., China will pursue what its military theorists call “leapfrog development” – accelerated progress in Artificial Intelligence and autonomous technologies.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) regards Artificial Intelligence technology as an “ace in the hole” weapon that could be deployed in multiple capacities to exploit weaknesses of the United States, such as its combat networks and warfare methods. An AI-driven “swarming” tactic is only one way China might use to overwhelm the defenses of U.S. aircraft carriers.

A potential Taiwanese invasion could be aided by a massive deployment of AI-operated air balloons, similar to those used in the U.S., that would be too much for NORAD’s detection and defense systems to handle. This leads to the inquiry: how many F-22s and expensive AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles would it take to shoot them all down?

In March, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency expressed deep worry concerning how quickly China is advancing in A.I. technology due to its immense investment in machine learning research and implementation. These anxieties have caused much agitation within the Pentagon and American intelligence communities.

The 2023 Annual Threat Assessment by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence characterized China’s A.I. and big data analytics capabilities as “rapidly expanding and improving,” saying China is on track to “expand beyond domestic use.” China is already an “A.I. peer in many areas and an A.I. leader in some applications,” according to the 2021 Final Report by the U.S. National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.

The report cautioned that all Americans should be wary of China’s ambitions, resources, and development, emphasizing the significance of beating China in the intensifying strategic rivalry. It highlighted that China is determined to overtake the United States in the coming years.

In 2017, Putin made an emphatic statement about the importance of artificial intelligence, proclaiming that the nation to become its leader would ultimately reign the world. Unfortunately for Russia, it lags behind China and the U.S. in this field; however, Moscow is determined to become one of its global leaders.

In October 2019, Vladimir Putin gave the green light to Russia’s “National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence to 2030” and asked his Cabinet to provide yearly updates about its progress. This indicated how seriously he was taking A.I., which represented a major escalation in its prioritization.

Vladimir Putin says:

“Artificial intelligence technologies should be massively implemented in all industries in Russia this decade,”

“Create breakthrough technologies of a new era.” He said Russia’s “place in the world, sovereignty, and security”

Russia’s approach to Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) revolves mainly around robotics, the relationship between robots and humans, and methods for combating enemy drones. With Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) playing an ever-increasing part in modern warfare, Russian military strategists are looking into creating UAVs specifically designed to take down other UAVs.

Russian strategists believe Artificial Intelligence is the perfect technology to put Moscow’s “controlled chaos” doctrine into effect, thus preventing Washington from intervening in conflicts such as Ukraine. The concept includes using AI-backed cyber-attacks and false information to threaten the U.S. homeland and cause disruption to everyday life by creating confusion and panic.

Russian strategists suggest deploying AI-enabled cyber weapons and information operations during a conflict could create an “inspiring crisis” in an adversary state. This artificially maintained crisis would cause aggravating factors such as discontentment with the existing government, destabilizing the opponent and taking their attention away from what Russia is doing.

As U.S. officials decide on the pace of advancement in Artificial Intelligence, they ought to be mindful that Russia and China are not only intensifying their efforts in this area but also intend to cooperate to make substantial progress. They aimThey aim to build a new international order against the United States, weaken America from within, and beat it on the battlefield if needed. This is not an opportune moment for us to let our leading opponents overtake us in A.I.

The growing threat of weaponized AI demands urgent attention and collaborative efforts at the global level to prevent its misuse by state actors. The responsible development and use of AI technology are critical to ensure its positive impact on society and to safeguard against its potential negative consequences. We must address the challenges associated with the weaponization of AI proactively and collectively to ensure a safe and secure future for humanity.

Source: Fox News

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