Princeton Computer Science Professor: Why You Shouldn’t Panic About AI

Recently, there has been much buzz surrounding the advanced AI language model, ChatGPT, and its ability to generate seemingly coherent responses to various topics. While some have raised concerns over the potential dangers of such technology, a Princeton University computer science professor, Narayanan, is here to assure us that there is no need to panic.

Here, we will explore Narayanan’s perspective on ChatGPT and the future of AI language generation, as well as [their] thoughts on the limitations of this technology and how it can be used responsibly. So sit back, relax, and dive into the fascinating world of AI language generation.

A Princeton professor informed the Markup that ChatGPT, known as a “bullshit generator,” only produces stories.

He claimed that it is not dependable for providing precise information and is unlikely to bring about a “revolution.”

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, is reportedly teaming up with Buzzfeed to generate content such as quizzes.

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A professor at Princeton studying artificial intelligence’s effects believes that OpenAI’s renowned ChatGPT bot does not spell doom for industries.

In a conversation with The Markup, Princeton professor Arvind Narayanan explained that while modern tools are now more available than ever and can quickly compile a vast amount of data and create artistic pieces, they cannot be relied upon for precise information.

Professor Arvind Narayanan Says:

“It is trying to be persuasive, and it has no way to know for sure whether the statements it makes are true or not.”

Researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence have declared that ChatGPT, a type of massive language model instrument capable of reacting to human commands and producing original content, can operate by simply estimating what should be said instead of utilizing the same thought synthesis process as human brains.

Narayanan stated that this transformation of ChatGPT into more of a “bullshit generator” means it provides its answers without regard for their correctness. Early signs of how corporations will use this technology are beginning to emerge.

An example of this AI technology being used is Buzzfeed, which allegedly let go of 12% of its personnel in December. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, they plan on using OpenAI’s tech to create quizzes. Unfortunately, as The Washington Post stated, CNET experienced issues with AI-produced stories, requiring corrections afterward.

Narayanan used the CNET situation to illustrate the potential issues of this kind of technology.

Narayanan says:

“When you combine that with the fact that the tool doesn’t have a good notion of truth, it’s a recipe for disaster.”

He suggested that, rather than being fully supplanted by large language model tools, industries would more likely adjust to its application.

Narayanan went on to say:

“Even with something as profound as the internet or search engines or smartphones, it’s turned out to be an adaptation, where we maximize the benefits and try to minimize the risks, rather than some kind of revolution.”

“I don’t think large language models are even on that scale. There can potentially be massive shifts, benefits, and risks in many industries, but I cannot see a scenario where this is a ‘sky is falling’ kind of issue.”

In light of recent events, it’s easy to understand why people might be concerned about the potential implications of AI. However, as Princeton computer science professor Arvind Narayanan points out, we shouldn’t panic.

The “bullshit generator” is still far from perfect, and its limitations should give us some hope that machine-generated fake news won’t completely take over the world anytime soon. Of course, that doesn’t mean we should become complacent; as AI evolves, we must be aware of the risks and take steps to mitigate them. But for now, there’s no need to hit the panic button.

Source: Business Insider


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