EU Regulator Issues Urgent Warning On ChatGPT And Risks AI poses To consumers

BEUC urges European consumer protection bodies to examine ChatGPT and other similar chatbot technologies to assess consumer risks. The organization is calling for further investigation into these technologies.

Microsoft’s Bing AI, powered by ChatGPT, is currently superior to Google’s Bard regarding chatbot capability.

The BEUC – a network of consumer protection organizations spanning 32 countries – is escalating its scrutiny of chatbots for potential harm to young people. The overarching body has raised concerns about how such bots could impact children.

The concern lies in how younger consumers and children may perceive the answers of AI to their questions as authoritative and accurate when in reality, they are often not correct (and sometimes even considerably wrong).

Ursula Pachl, BEUC’s Deputy Director General, wrote to the European Commission and the Consumer Protection Cooperation Network expressing her concern, urging the following:

“BEUC thus asks you to investigate the risks that these AI systems pose to consumers as a matter of urgency, to identify their presence in consumer markets and to explore what remedial action must be taken to avoid consumer harm.”

ChatGPT, the force behind Microsoft’s Bing AI, plus Google’s Bard and other competitors, have driven the sentiment that artificial intelligence is making its way into general-purpose tasks. This ascendance has been seen in recent times with their rapid rise.

We must exercise great caution in developing AI entities such as these. Thus far, there appears to have been rapid competition between technology companies with little-to-no regulation where there is a need to implement guidelines so these chatbots can be properly utilized.

The development of Artificial Intelligence projects is happening at such a rapid rate it has become a threat to society, and we must take a moment to pause and reconsider. This was stated in an open letter, which warned of this danger.

Two prominent figures, Steve Wozniak and Elon Musk, were signatories to the letter; however, Elon Musk is now rolling out a fairly unique idea of his own, referred to as ‘TruthGPT’ – an AI aiming to pursue maximum accuracy. Time will tell if this proposition bears fruition.

At the same time, consumers must also take steps to educate themselves about the potential risks and benefits of AI and to demand more transparency and accountability from companies that develop and deploy these technologies. Ultimately, it is only through a collaborative effort between regulators, industry leaders, and consumers that we can ensure that AI technologies are developed and used to maximize their benefits while minimizing their risks to society.

Source: TweakTown

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