College Students Share Their Opinions On AI In The Classroom

Citing their experiences, college students provided their views on how the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) would affect their academic & employment prospects. They discussed the impact this technology has already made and predicted its influence in the future.

AI has demonstrated the capacity to conduct activities replicating human thought processes, including writing essays, taking a car journey with a family, and playing chess. This has been noted in an earlier article by Fox News Digital.

Gaining traction with the youth, the AI chatbot ChatGPT allows users to provide a writing prompt and quickly get back an essay. The technology behind this remarkable feat makes it possible for written pieces to be generated within minutes.

Junior Jay Ram says:

“If you go into a library right now, you can see sort of everyone is using ChatGPT,”

“I think there are people who are using it for bad that are using it to write the essay for them, and there are people who are using it sort of like Google as, like, a research tool.”

Some Americans have shown concern regarding the effects AI programming may have on education; however, it can help students by guiding them through math problems and suggesting ideas for research projects.

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Tabatha Fajardo, Stony Brook University student, and Campus Reform correspondent, notes that while many are worried artificial intelligence (AI) could replace humans, she stresses that humanity’s special capability to create strong connections will remain unsurpassed.

Tabatha Fajardo says:

“You can insert something into a program, and they’ll create a haiku for you, but it will never take away from the human connection,”

While some students express concerns about the potential for AI to replace human interaction and critical thinking, others see its benefits in enhancing the learning experience and improving academic outcomes. As AI continues to develop and integrate into education, it will be important for educators and students alike to consider the ethical implications and ensure that the technology is used responsibly and ethically. Overall, the feedback from college students suggests that AI has the potential to transform education, and its adoption in the classroom will likely continue to grow in the years to come.


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