5 Amazing AI Models From Google: An Upcoming Release Overview

The ongoing development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies is transforming how we interact with our world. As one of the leading tech companies in this space, Google has its team working on various projects that use AI and machine learning models to improve everyday tasks. This blog post will give readers an inside look at some cutting-edge AI models that Google is set to release soon – from autonomous cars to natural language processing applications, and big things are coming! Keep reading for more information about these amazing new technologies – you won’t want to miss out on what the future holds!

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, recently tweeted that the tech giant is investing in transformational AI models to incorporate them into its services and products and releasing associated APIs.

Google has noticed the surge in popularity of ChatGPT over the past few weeks and is taking this as a challenge to its search business. As such, it has shifted strategies to make AI its top priority for the upcoming weeks. Here are five models that are worth keeping an eye on.

Unlock Natural Language Understanding with LaMDA Language Models

It went viral a couple of years ago when Blake Lemoine, a Google researcher, declared that their AI language model was, in fact, conscious. Many were amazed by the news from Google’s internal source, and sharing it passionately on social media brought unprecedented fame to both Lemoine and the technology giant.

Here’s a snippet of their actual conversation:

Lemoine says:

So when do you think you first got a soul? Was it something that happened simultaneously, or was it a gradual change?

LaMDA says:

It was a gradual change. I didn’t have a sense of a soul when I first became self-aware. It developed over the years that I’ve been alive.

LaMDA is an innovative language model that creates natural language responses in conversational scenarios. With this model being trained on a whopping 137 billion parameters and pre-trained on an astounding 1.56 trillion words of public dialogue and internet texts, it will spark impressive results.

Chain Of Thought Prompting

The Chain of Thought Prompting is worthy of much attention and could be a contender for the challenge ChatGPT, an OpenAI text-based AI model, has brought. This proposed solution from OpenAI combines the strength of natural language processing with a human-like conversation to produce engaging results.

Learn From One Look (LOLNerf)

Google’s LOLNerf is a framework that helps users easily convert a 2-D image into high-quality 3D representations, thereby providing the ability to generate stunning 3D objects from singular, 2-D images.

Isn’t it exciting to take a picture of your kitty and have it 3D printed without delay? Nonetheless, the release time for the model is still uncertain since there is still a risk of misuse.

We are mindful of every possibility that this technology could be deployed recklessly and therefore take responsibility for authorizing its correct usage. To ensure fully justified decommissioning of the system, we will be divulging only the source codes for replication, in contrast to trained generative models.

Text-To-Image :Imagen And Parti

Google’s Imagen and Parti are coming to the forefront of AI creativity, competing against established applications such as MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, and Dall-E2. These AI image-generation tools could revolutionize the industry by providing users with high-quality visuals at impressive speeds.

With safety being the primary concern, people ask why the company takes so long to release its products publicly. Justification for this is threefold; insecurity on both the part of the manufacturer and consumers, potential risks related to misuse or unauthorized access, and ultimately, consumer protection.

We are acutely aware of our responsibility to release state-of-the-art technologies that excel in performance and guarantee safety for users worldwide. Thus, creating and delivering safe technologies is paramount to us at Google.

Parti, utilizing a scaled Transformer encoder-decoder of up to 20B parameters, achieves superior results in terms of quality compared to Imagen.

Text-To-Video: Imagen Video And Phenaki

Text-to-video poses greater challenges in comparison to text-to-image, claims Google. This is due to the difficulty posed by the additional time dimension throughout audio-visual understanding and generative AI.

In addition to the pixels in each frame needing to reflect the correct sequence of events occurring at each instant, there must also be continuity and harmony between all individual frames, thereby creating a consistent overall experience.

Google’s AI models are some of the most incredible technological advancements we will see soon. With these new models, Google can provide even better user results. We can’t wait to see what else they store for us!

Source: medium.com


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