Why The UK Is Falling Behind In Regulating AI Technology like ChatGPT

The UK is not swiftly enough implementing regulations in AI, claimed two leading technology experts. Shedding light on the matter, Haydn Belfield from Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk stated that protective measures are needed to guard people and businesses against the rapidly advancing software.

The EU AI Act must be passed urgently to prevent wide-ranging discrepancies across the EU. For the Act to be effective, it must specify general-purpose artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, and Bing. This is according to Mr. Belfield.

Mr. Belfield says:

“As for us in the UK, we need to go much faster on AI regulation – we’re lagging behind our closest allies: the US and EU.”

The UK Government has no intention of mimicking Italy’s decision to block the AI bot ChatGPT, which was made last Friday. It has no plans to take such action at present. These comments were made in the context of Italy’s ban on the bot.

Professor Michael Osborne, the Dyson professor in machine learning at the University of Oxford, shares a similar concern regarding the government’s inaction. His apprehension is rooted in their absence of any meaningful response.

Professor Michael Osborne says:

“Regulators seem to be asleep at the wheel, if you ask me, because there are all these potential harms of these models that are now just out there,”

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has urged regulation of AI as AI becomes more pervasive in everyday life and job roles. He believes it is important to implement regulations to ensure the technology is used responsibly.

Mr. Gate says:

“There’s the threat posed by humans armed with AI,”

. “Like most inventions, artificial intelligence can be used for good purposes or malign ones. Governments need to work with the private sector on ways to limit the risks.”

The creators of the AI bot ChatGPT, OpenAI, have been accused by Italy of “unlawful collection of personal data,” resulting in an effective ban on its use.

Italy’s national privacy regulator ordered OpenAI, supported by Microsoft, to immediately cease collecting data from Italian users and change its data collection practices until further notice.

Regulators should consider five principles to enable the safe and innovative utilization of Artificial Intelligence in their industries. The UK’s Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology recently distributed these guidelines.

Organizations developing and deploying AI should employ principles that ensure the applications’ secure, safe, and robust functioning. Risks should be managed carefully while being open and transparent throughout the process. Compliance with UK laws, such as The Equality Act and UK General Data Protection Regulation, should also be ensured.

The implementation of AI should be accompanied by appropriate oversight and clear dispute mechanisms – this is the underlying principle of these measures. This will enable users to contest unfavorable outcomes or decisions using AI.

These regulations must balance enabling innovation and protecting individuals’ privacy and safety. The lack of proper regulations puts individuals at risk and hinders the growth of the UK’s AI industry.

In conclusion, the UK must take immediate action to catch up in regulating AI technology like ChatGPT to ensure that the potential benefits of these technologies are realized while minimizing the risks.

Source: inews.co.uk

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