ChatGPT vs Bard: Which AI Search Engine Will Triumph?

Artificial intelligence has rapidly transformed the way we search for information online. As search engines evolve, new technologies are being developed to help us find what we need faster and more efficiently.

One such technology is AI-powered search engines, which have the potential to revolutionize the way we search for information. Two major players have emerged in the world of AI search engines: ChatGPT and Bard. While both search engines use AI to provide results, each has unique features and capabilities. The question remains – which AI search engine will triumph?

A few months ago, the usually subdued OpenAI, a Silicon Valley-based company, presented ‘ChatGPT,’ an online product based on Artificial Intelligence. This chatbot permits users to have conversations with it through its language capabilities.

ChatGPT, the AI technology capable of executing natural language processing (NLP) functions like text summarization, language translations, and question answering, just like a real human being, has been gaining immense attention recently.

On November 30, 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT to the public, and within just five days, it had already gained 1 million users. This AI language model has been widely praised for its capability to produce meaningful and sensible writing.

ChatGPT has set a new landmark by connecting with 100 million users in just two months, making it the fastest conversational AI agent.

The consumerization of AI and ChatGPT has created an environment where history is being made. The result of this shift has been the development of consumer AI.

This region can unleash many AI-driven programs and user interfaces that are easy to use and customize the AI experience for everyday people.

Many have likened this time to the beginning of the Internet age, which began when the Netscape browser was released in 1994 and enabled billions of people around the globe to access it.

ChatGPT’s immense success could benefit OpenAI, an enterprise co-launched by Sam Altman and Elon Musk.

Just two months after ChatGPT was put out, OpenAI thought about selling its current shares in a tender offer that rated the firm at around $29 billion and situated it among the most valuable start-ups in the world.

In January 2023, Microsoft revealed its intention to pour $10 billion into OpenAI. The tech giant believes this could be the key to reviving its Bing search engine. One expectation for chatbots in the future is that they will give out precise answers to search queries rather than an extensive collection of website links.

Microsoft’s switch to ChatGPT-based search posed a challenge to the Google search engine. In response, Google quickly developed its chatbot known as ‘Bard’ to compete with ChatGPT.

It is essential to know that ChatGPT has been designed with a transformer architecture, pre-trained using self-supervised techniques.

Since its launch in 2017, Google’s Transformer has become essential for various language applications such as GPT-3. This innovative invention from Google was the genesis of a new era of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Comparing Bard and Chat GPT, they are both language-based conversational AI models; however, their design and purpose of use diverge in certain ways.

ChatGPT is progressing on GPT3, while Bard concentrates on the LaMDA language model. A key discrepancy between them is where each chatbot draws its knowledge from.

Bard will use existing online resources, such as data and sources, to generate its content. This way, Bard can ensure that people can access the most up-to-date information and insights, whereas ChatGPT’s knowledge is limited to events before 2021.

The competition between ChatGPT and Bard in AI-powered search engines is fierce, with each search engine offering unique features and capabilities that set them apart. While both search engines use AI to provide results, they have different strengths and weaknesses that make them better suited for different searches and users.

ChatGPT’s strength lies in its ability to understand natural language queries and provide human-like responses, making it an excellent choice for complex searches that require context and nuance. On the other hand, Bard excels at quickly processing large volumes of data, making it a great choice for searches requiring speed and accuracy.

Source: thehansindia


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