Take-Two CEO On AI: What He Doesn’t Think About Artificial Intelligence

The Grand Theft Auto franchise has been one of the most successful and beloved video game series. From its open-world gameplay to its complex storylines and characters, Grand Theft Auto has captivated millions of players worldwide. But as artificial intelligence technology advances, some have wondered if AI could one day create a better Grand Theft Auto game.

However, the CEO of Take-Two Interactive, the company behind the Grand Theft Auto franchise, believes this will never be the case.

Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of Take-Two, is widely recognized for his honesty when conversing with both media and investors about where he perceives technology in general, but especially in gaming, is progressing.

During the earnings call today, Zelnick expressed his views on artificial intelligence which has been widely discussed in tech circles recently, and whether it will impact game development.

Zelnick started by expressing his long-standing doubt about too much enthusiasm for AI technology such as ChatGPT. He mentioned that AI stands for artificial intelligence.

Zelnick says:

“There is no such thing as artificial intelligence.”

He is enthusiastic about the steps forward that are being taken in AI and machine learning and are confident that developers will eventually be able to reduce costs associated with game development utilizing these tools.

He believes that making development easier will not influence the overall cost structure, as it will cause developers and publishers to develop more projects.

Many college students assume ChatGPT will enable them to ask questions and submit their assignments.

If everyone is given the same question in class, “Describe what happened on the night of Paul Revere’s ride,” and they all use ChatGPT to answer it, then there’s a risk that everyone will submit identical essays. That was my experience the last time I looked into it.

When I was growing up, there was no such thing as ChatGPT. So, unfortunately, I had to do math without the assistance of a calculator – by hand. It’s hard to believe this wasn’t available in my day, but it is true!

Parents were alarmed when hand calculators came out, thinking children would no longer have to learn math. However, learning math is still necessary, but the calculator provides an efficient tool to help with calculations. The same applies to ChatGPT as well.

An exhilarating period has dawned with the advent of new instruments; these will make it easier for our team and the teams of our rivals to accomplish remarkable tasks more productively. Therefore, we will be driven to do more and become even more inventive.

Nobody can’t declare, ‘Let’s create a video game that surpasses Grand Theft Auto,’ and then have it digitally released without further effort. Despite the attempts of some, such an unlikely scenario will never come to fruition.

Zelnick gave his opinion on cloud gaming when he posed a question. He stated that Take-Two had faith in the technology and was an early backer of Google Stadia before it ceased operations.

The industry needs to focus on quality story-telling and interesting characters for their product to be successful. AI could help create incredible open worlds but can not replace old fashion writing. Take Two’s CEO thinks that will always remain the same, no matter how hard artificial intelligence works.

Source: za.ign.com



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