Study Finds 75% Of Singles Open To AI Dating – What You Need To Know

Research suggests that many singles (75%) are ready to consider employing AI technology to refine their conversations — indicating the increasing dominance of Artificial Intelligence in the dating world.

Kaspersky, a cybersecurity and digital privacy company, conducted a study revealing that three-quarters of dating app users would be keen to utilize ChatGPT – an AI-powered chatbot – to deliver the ideal chat upline.

Surprisingly, only 37% of single adults said they would be willing to use ChatGPT – a tool designed for real-time dating conversations to help with the language of love – to enhance their profiles.

Using AI in online dating created trust amongst most users and raised the alarm about potential dishonesty. 57% of survey respondents thought utilizing artificial intelligence this way would be dishonest. Therefore, a new era of AI-based catfishing might be inevitable.

Regarding looking for love, 54% of single men surveyed said they would be open to using ChatGPT to appear funnier or smarter when talking with potential partners on dating apps – even if it means having to deceive them.

Single women revealed they are more open to using an AI tool to simultaneously speak with multiple possible partners, with 51% admitting they would take the plunge.

Crystal Cansdale, an expert on dating at Inner Circle, a global dating app, evaluated the research.

Crystal Cansdale says:

“There is a growing fatigue with dating apps right now as there is a lot of pressure on people to be ‘original’ and cut through the noise created by the continuous choice being offered to single people – unfortunately dating has become a numbers game,”

Emm, Kaspersky’s principal security researcher, has emphasized the importance of users being cautious when chatting with someone online. He stresses that increased vigilance is necessary to stay secure.

Emm says:

“If AI is about to make catfishing even easier, it’s important for individuals to remain vigilant when communicating with others online. Always be cautious and verify the authenticity of those you are speaking with to avoid falling victim to deceitful tactics,”

AI dating has the potential to be a useful and fun tool for singles looking for love, but it’s important to approach it with a critical and thoughtful mindset. By being aware of its limitations, risks, and ethical implications, we can use AI to enhance our dating experiences without losing sight of what truly matters in human relationships.

Source: CNN

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