Spy Chief Warns Cabinet Of Disinformation Risks From AI

At a confidential meeting held this Tuesday, Sir Jeremy Fleming, the head of the British intelligence service GCHQ, alerted the Cabinet to the possibility that AI language services such as ChatGPT could be utilized for spreading false information. He also discussed both advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.

The Cabinet concurred that it was necessary to ensure the safety of individuals and maintain the public’s trust while still permitting “development,” as per an official Number 10 bulletin. The Telegraph comprehends that despite any misgivings, Downing Street is not contemplating prohibiting civil servants from using ChatGPT for government activities.

Italy has recently become the first Western country to prohibit ChatGPT, an AI program that enables people to ask queries and receive computer-generated output at high speed.

UK Must Compete With AI: Strategies For Success

Rishi Sunak informed the Cabinet that the UK had to stay ahead of the game in Artificial Intelligence. He stated that such progress could be a major priority for the Government to prepare for what’s to come. A task force to combine government and business ideas will be established, dedicated to AI development. It will take the Covid vaccines taskforce as an example.

At the weekly Cabinet meeting, Sir Jeremy and Prof Angela McLean, the Chief Scientific Adviser, provided Mr. Sunak and his highest-ranking ministers with an overview of recent progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to a source close to the conversation reported by The Telegraph, most of the discussion revolved around how AI could bring about positive changes.

Warnings were sounded, particularly concerning the potential for “disinformation” to be spread through AI chatbots, which could propagate incorrect facts that readers would take as accurate.

The conversation is said to have centered primarily on language AI instead of other forms of advanced technology, like military applications. On Wednesday, Oliver Dowden, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, will divulge that “Wagner-like” Russian cyber teams have been trying to attack UK organizations integral to national infrastructure.

It is anticipated that Mr. Dowden will highlight the cyber attacks on the Royal Mail and NHS to caution that certain areas of the British public sector are in danger of being targeted by malicious online adversaries. Reportedly, industries such as telecommunications, water supply, electricity, and transportation are considered likely targets.

He will express that it is not an easy decision to disclose this danger public. Yet, they believe it is essential for businesses to be aware of the risk they run and take steps to secure themselves and their nation.

Oliver Dowden says:

“These are the companies in charge of keeping our country running, of keeping the lights on. Our shared prosperity depends on them taking their own security seriously.

“A bricks and mortar business wouldn’t survive if it left the back door open to criminals every night. Equally in today’s world, businesses can’t afford… to leave their digital back door open to cyber crooks and hackers.”

The challenge of AI-generated disinformation requires a multifaceted approach involving technological solutions, education, and awareness-raising efforts. By working together to address this challenge, we can help ensure that AI technology is used responsibly and ethically responsibly and ethically that it benefits society as a whole.

Source: The Telegraph

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