OpenAI Criticized By Media For Using Generated Articles

The ChatGPT project from OpenAI is facing more criticism, this time from media and tech experts questioning its effectiveness for user privacy and posing other ethical questions about how it was created.

The project, which uses massive datasets to generate human-like conversations by training artificial intelligence (AI) with millions of articles, has caught the attention of many due to its potential, yet it’s now becoming increasingly contentious. It’s not just critics voicing their concerns over ChatGPT anymore—the debate around the use of AI, in general, appears to be one that won’t easily go away.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT software has come under fire from leading news outlets for training its AI tool using its content without providing compensation.

In a statement to Bloomberg News, Jason Conti, General Counsel for the Dow Jones unit of News Corp., declared.

Jason Conti says:

“Anyone who wants to use the work of Wall Street Journal journalists to train artificial intelligence should be properly licensing the rights to do so from Dow Jones.”

“Dow Jones does not have such a deal with OpenAI.”

“We take the misuse of our journalists’ work seriously, and are reviewing this situation.”

When Francesco Marconi, a computational journalist, tweeted that their work was being used to train ChatGPT, it raised newsgroup worries.

Marconi inquired about the chatbot for the media outlets it was instructed on and came away with 20 sources.

A request for comment was made to OpenAI, yet there was no immediate response. This is not the first time organizations have voiced concerns over AI systems’ content being utilized without permission.

In November, Microsoft Corp., OpenAI, and GitHub were served with a lawsuit claiming the tool, GitHub Copilot, was unlawfully replicating the work of human coders in violation of their agreements.

In January, a group of artists initiated legal action against AI generators Stability AI Ltd., Midjourney Inc., and DeviantArt Inc., alleging that the companies had accessed billions of copyrighted images without offering payment or seeking consent from the artists.

According to someone familiar with the subject, CNN has a stance akin to the Journal’s in that they deem using their articles to train ChatGPT contra of its terms of service.

The person, who wished to remain anonymous due to the legal implications of their statement, revealed that Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.’s network is looking into compensating OpenAI for rights to its content.ts content.

The news industry has been divided in its opinion of artificial intelligence, with some journalists worrying that the technology could replace them in their roles.

Recently, the spread of misinformation has caused fear among people. To combat this issue, publications such as CNET and Men’s Journal have had to make corrections on AI-generated articles filled with mistakes.

It appears that OpenAI will keep taking advantage of new technologies as they develop, regardless of the concerns or trials that may arise. However, it is important to consider when and how these technologies should be used and distributed.

The media has called out OpenAI for its use of articles to train ChatGPT, and it would not be surprising if further considerations were taken into account regarding the ethical implications of its actions.

Even though it may seem impractical for companies such as OpenAI to take a more considerate stance in their development processes, it is essential for protecting individuals’ rights and maintaining ethical standards.

Source: Bloomberg



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