How Microsoft Bing And OpenAI Are Changing The Search Landscape

Bing is changing how it works to become more akin to a digital assistant than a traditional search engine. Rather than simply providing a list of links, Bing will be more interactive and conversational, like artificial intelligence.

OpenAI and its large language models (LLMs) have greatly assisted in the development of ChatGPT.

The event hosted by Microsoft and OpenAI last night demonstrated that the search for the future would be unlike anything we have seen before. The tech startup, known for ChatGPT and Dall-E, showcased their revolutionary AI projects to show what search could look like shortly.

Microsoft has revealed intentions to combine its Bing search engine with increased Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities powered by a larger Language Learning Model (LLM) from OpenAI.

Microsoft has demonstrated that Bing search will be more like a virtual AI assistant, with the ability to interact and converse rather than just bringing up links as it does currently.

Microsoft recently made a big announcement, and the timing of it was quite relevant. Let’s explore what they unveiled and why it was so important.

Discover What’s New With Bing Search: An Overview

Bing has created a new virtual assistant to provide more thorough and natural responses, such as detailed essays and summaries.

When searching, links will still appear normal; however, Microsoft’s blog post states that a “summarised answer” will also be provided on the right-hand side of the page. This summary is based on gathering information from trustworthy sources found online.

Bing is introducing its new chat-based search experience, which allows users to find information on topics like poetry, stories, and city-specific tips. This provides a more personalized search approach and makes things easier for the user!

Remember that the Bing search experience is only being released to a select few at this stage; therefore, those interested must join the waiting list to gain access. Users can access it on both desktops and apps when it starts rolling out.

What Is ChatGPT, And How Does It Impact Bing Search?

Microsoft’s Bing Search will still display links in the essay-style answers, but at the bottom of these answers instead.

Currently, ChatGPT does not display any links. However, it is reasonable to acknowledge that Bing has received a lot of assistance from OpenAI and the big language models (LLM), which have contributed to the development of ChatGPT.

Microsoft’s blog post states that the language model utilized for Bing is larger than the one used to operate ChatGPT, though the exact size is not revealed.

Bing’s AI chatbot is more advanced than ChatGPT. It can process a wider range of questions and has access to a larger database that contains information dating back before 2021, while ChatGPT only stores data from the current year.

The AI chat platform Bing offers is similar to ChatGPT, allowing users to ask follow-up questions about their original query. This feature makes conversations much more fluid and natural.

Microsoft has developed a unique methodology for employing the OpenAI model, the “Prometheus model.” This approach allows Microsoft to leverage language models to provide users relevant and up-to-date results tailored to their needs.

The collaboration between Microsoft Bing and OpenAI will certainly shape the future of search engine development. Their combined efforts can bring us more accurate search results than ever before. The use of natural language processing and other new technologies have allowed for a much more intuitive and user-friendly experience with advanced algorithms delivering accurate results and tailored suggestions.

This innovation has allowed us to explore this industry from a new perspective. And, since users have become increasingly reliant on AI-powered technology, we’ll likely see improved performance in this area for years. However, privacy concerns must remain a priority, ensuring that our data remains secure and private regardless of how deep we dive into search engines or AI-enabled technology.

Source: indianexpress


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