Metaverse CEO: ChatGPT Speeding Up Timeline To Build AI Writing Assistant

The Metaverse, a virtual reality space where people can interact with each other in a simulated environment, is an exciting and rapidly evolving field. And now, the CEO of Metaverse has made a bold claim: using AI language models like ChatGPT is speeding up the timeline for emulating dead people.

This statement has sparked great interest and raised many questions about the ethical implications of using AI to emulate the deceased. We’ll take a closer look at what the CEO of Metaverse means by “emulating dead people” and explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of using AI for this purpose. We’ll also examine the ethical considerations of using AI in this way and what the future of the Metaverse might look like.

If you have not yet found ways to manage the sorrowful and normal feelings of bereavement and grief, it may be best to leave them be.

The metaverse CEO believes that OpenAI’s ChatGPT could significantly accelerate the timetable for producing a lifelike, AI-driven digital representation of your deceased family members and make it available to consumers sooner than anticipated.

Artur Sychov, CEO of Somnium Space, informed Motherboard that his company is creating a “Live Forever” functionality for robotic avatars within its virtual reality environment.

Artur Sychov, CEO of Somnium Space, says:

“The AI is progressing extremely fast.”

“Honestly, it is progressing faster than even we anticipated.”

In theory, Somnium Space’s “Live Forever” feature is quite straightforward. Hand over personal data to Sychov’s business, and they will create a digital version of you that can exist in perpetuity within their metaverse space.

You may pass away with the assurance that your children, grandchildren, and all other beloved ones will be able to keep in touch with a digital version of you. Therefore, they won’t have to accept your death completely. Although it isn’t the same as attaining physical immortality according to Jeff Bezos’ standards, it is still a form of immortality.

In April of last year, Sychov spoke to Motherboard in an interview.

Sychov went on to say:

“Literally, if I die — and I have this data collected — people can come or my kids, they can come in, and they can have a conversation with my avatar, with my movements, with my voice.”

“You will meet the person. And you would maybe for the first 10 minutes while talking to that person, you would not know that it’s actually AI. That’s the goal.”

When Sychov initially spoke to Motherboard, he estimated that “Live Forever” would take five years to develop. However, OpenAI’s progress has resulted in Sychov believing it can be achieved within two years or even less.

Installing the firm’s popular chatbot into one of Sychov’s robot avatars has caused a huge surge in the Immortality Project, providing a detailed plan to incorporate itself into the game’s digital realm.

Sychov and Artific, the developer he works with who installed ChatGPT into the initial avatar, think that their timeline change is largely due to the Metaverse being an ideal setting for a Large Language Model (LLM) product such as ChatGPT to do well. Putting aside its development skills, they attribute this success to the favorable conditions of its environment.

The tech already has impressive conversational skills, depending on the prompt. Furthermore, a virtual environment provides more control than the unpredictable real world.

Therefore, the bot is limited by how much data it has to use and amalgamate simultaneously. This could be seen as advantageous – particularly if the objective is to portray an individual.

The recent comments by the CEO of Metaverse regarding ChatGPT and its role in emulating dead people have sparked a debate in the tech community. While some believe that ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way we remember and interact with the deceased, others have raised ethical and moral concerns about the implications of such technology.

Regardless of one’s stance, it’s clear that the advancements in AI and natural language processing have opened up a new realm of possibilities. It will be interesting to see how this develops in the coming years. As always, it’s important to strike a balance between innovation and ethics and ensure that any new technology is used responsibly and for the betterment of society.



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