Exploring Google’s Artificial Intelligence: What It Is And What It Isn’t

As Google expands its reach into artificial intelligence, there has been much hype surrounding the potential capabilities this technology could offer. Whether helping to predict consumer preferences through online advertising or autonomously driving cars across city streets.

AI has become a magical tool capable of doing virtually anything. But in reality, while significant progress has been made in recent years, Google’s AI still needs to reach a level that accurately models human cognition and judgment.


  • Now Google has to move ahead in its most lucrative Search business with a permanent gust of wind from Artificial Intelligence.
  • Google appears to be caught in an unfavorable situation with a business cycle recession, legal action over antitrust issues, rivalry in artificial intelligence, and economic headwinds.
  • Google’s AI model is currently in the closed beta phase, meaning it does not possess the first-mover advantage presently enjoyed by ChatGPT and Bing/Microsoft Edge.
  • After examining yesterday’s declarations and internal documents, we have reservations about LaMDA’s capacities compared to other market players.

Alphabet/Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) has had a turbulent start in the current year, experiencing uncertainty as they confront various serious threats from numerous sources that could potentially compromise their formerly invincible standing and lucrative revenue stream.

Despite the difficulties, Alphabet has seen its stock rise by 6.8% this year. However, this rally will likely weaken as Microsoft Edge with Bing gains an advantage over Google.

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This week began slowly in the business world when Google declared their new AI conversationalist, “Bard,” activated by Alphabet’s “LaMDA.” LaMDA and ChatGPT are both sizable language models, yet they vary because of the contrasting training data sets and objectives.

An example is that LaMDA is thought to have the upper hand when creating dialogues in an informal setting. At the same time, ChatGPT appears more effective at producing open-ended text.

In 2020, Google and one of its AI engineers, Blake Lemoine, elicited considerable attention when they introduced LaMDA. Lemoine argued in favor of stricter AI ethics and voiced his belief that the system possessed some level of sentience.

In our estimation, this incident set a high standard for where Google’s capabilities in Artificial Intelligence were expected, with some asserting that it exhibited behavior akin to humans.

Earlier this week, Google announced its new product, “Bard.” The introduction did not go as planned, however – the presentation could have been more characteristic of Google, and they even had technical issues while introducing it live in Paris.

Users have already pointed out a mistake in one of Google’s slides while testing their new Artificial Intelligence.

In the ad, Bard was posed with the question of what discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope a person might explain to their 9-year-old. Bard’s response involved JWST taking “the very first pictures of a planet outside our solar system,” however, this statement is both false and confusing.

In this article, investors will be advised to reconsider their long-term outlook for Alphabet because the company is under fire from multiple areas, such as antitrust laws, AI technology, search engine, and growth rate.

Google is making progress in AI, although it has yet to reach the point where it can be compared to human intelligence. Nevertheless, there are high expectations that Google will soon be able to produce AI capabilities that resemble those of people. For the present, we can take pleasure in all the other incredible services this tech giant provides.

Source: seekingalpha.com


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