Google Transforms Workspace With Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology

Google and Microsoft compete fiercely to utilize maximum AI through their productivity applications. Before Microsoft’s upcoming “Future of Work” affair, Google today made huge advancements in Workspace that employ its AI models within nearly all suite elements.

Google has recently announced the launch of new artificial intelligence services, which include an API and low-code tools to make its 540 billion parameterPaLM model for multiturn chat available to developers. This will provide enhanced solutions necessary for further development.

For a limited number of users, Google has launched several new features — only available to its “Trusted Testers” as of now — and it’s unknown when they plan on expanding beyond that.

Google One plans seem likely to be one way for consumers to access some of the new family-sharing features Google broke the news about recently. With no pricing information available yet, those excited by the announcement will have to wait a while before they can use them.

Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Meet, and Slides are all set to receive Google’s AI-powered models that will add new capabilities with hopes of bringing them to virtually every aspect of its Workspace product. Also, likely following suit in the future is Microsoft, with similar updates.

Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud, declared in a press briefing before the unveiling of today’s news.

Thomas Kurian says:

“Google Workspace has been a longtime pioneer in enabling real-time collaboration, where human beings work together in real time in our products,” ‘

“This next phase is where we’re bringing human beings to be supported with an AI collaborator who is working in real time in concert with them.”

Every couple of weeks, Kurian said, Gmail and Docs users would have access to new features as the company rolls them out rapidly. Trusted testers in the plan’s initial phase will be offered assistance while creating emails in Gmail and documents in Docs.

For now, the core components of this personalized writing tool are obtaining assistance to write and fine-tuning the tenor and style of a textual piece. Nonetheless, Google remarked that these facilities are just the commencement, specifically for the Trusted Tester community.

Google said it would “enable workflows for getting things done in Chat” by infusing its Artificial Intelligence technology into the Workspace. This would include automating tasks like summarizing emails and brainstorming inside Docs, as AI permeates every part of Workspace.

Combining Google’s text-based projects with AI models to generate images and music made creating a fully developed presentation possible — an impressive demo.

Kurian went on to say:

“With Slides, we’re helping you generate insights and images from text in slides,”

“So you can use images from your rich content library, your brand images — if you’ve got your own company’s images — and private repositories, to generate these images and superpower every person building with slides, including generating soundtracks.”

Kurian stated that Google’s solutions would be made broadly accessible to (1) enterprises, (2) small businesses, (3) consumers, and even subscribers of their subscription service – Google One – with no additional details regarding pricing being provided.

It’s a letdown that, for now, deploying generative AI, which Google has been actively pushing for to broaden the multitude of its products, is limited and a glimpse existent only to certain users.

Smart Compose and Smart Reply, Google’s latest AI technology, are now widely available and help to make daily chores easier. However, despite the clear user benefits, Google remains reluctant to provide full access.

Google Workspace gives Google a huge opportunity to apply its AI technologies in powerful ways. Unsurprisingly, they began with Gmail and Docs: two of the easiest elements to implement. The strategy makes sense, given the low-hanging fruit accessible through these programs.

Fortunately, large text models excel in tackling such issues, allowing Google to avoid the blunders to which chatbots from Bing and ChatGPT have succumbed – such as going off script. Nevertheless, Microsoft appears to have resolved many of these difficulties.

Google’s AI-powered tools can help teams automate repetitive tasks, freeing time for more creative and value-added work. This not only improves productivity but also enhances employee satisfaction and well-being.

Overall, Google’s investment in AI technology is a testament to the company’s commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of technological advancements. As we continue to navigate the rapidly changing world of work, it’s clear that AI-powered tools will play a crucial role in driving productivity and collaboration. Google Workspace is well-positioned to lead the charge.

Source: TechCrunch

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