Google Poised To Unveil Artificial Intelligence Plans To Take On ChatGPT

On Wednesday, 8 February, the renowned technology company will host a 40-minute event to demonstrate their new methods to search, explore & interact with information. This recreation of user experience will revolutionize how people use and view data.

Come and discover how our Search, Maps, and other services provide people worldwide with wider access to information, inviting the company.

It is uncertain whether the gathering will center around AI. Yet, it occurred shortly after Google CEO Sundar Pichai declared that the company would make its chatbot technology accessible to the public in the upcoming weeks.

On Thursday, Mr. Pichai had a call with investors from Alphabet’s parent company, where he said people would soon be able to communicate directly with Google’s conversational AI – particularly LaMDA, which is currently undergoing testing.

Mr. Pichai says:

“Our long-term investments in deep computer science makes us extremely well-positioned as AI reaches an inflection point, and I’m excited by the AI-driven leaps we’re about to unveil in search and beyond.”

According to reports, Google is moving quickly to advance its plans for giant language models following the launch of ChatGPT.unch of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is one such model – an AI chatbot trained on a huge amount of text data, which it leverages to help generate answers and carry out realistic conversations.

OpenAI’s release late last year created the potential for disruption in how people get ready for job interviews, reporters compose articles, and pupils do their school assignments.

The New York Times has reported that Larry Page and Sergei Brin, the founders of Google, have been asked to return to incorporate ChatGPT-like capabilities into their search engine, which was created over a quarter century ago.

Google had been very careful regarding chatbots until now, with LaMDA only being used for a select group of trials. Last summer, the company let go of one of its senior engineers after they claimed the chatbot was self-aware.

Microsoft is investing substantially in OpenAI, intending to utilize AI to revamp its products, such as the search engine Bing, giving it an edge over its competitors.

Microsoft has since announced plans to implement ChatGPT into its Teams software, where it will do things like summarise meetings, but the features will be restricted to a premium pricing plan.

Chatbots are being experimented with by various internet startups. However, implementing these bots is nowhere near as extensive as tech giants like Google and Microsoft might be able to do.

Sites such as Neeva and use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide summarised responses to search queries, along with references that demonstrate the source of the data.

ChatGPT has been subject to criticism for its lack of transparency since it displays an air of conviction in its generated responses, regardless of whether or not they are accurate or misleading.

The event that Google has planned will be streamed live from Paris to YouTube at 1.30 pm in the UK. This occurred shortly after its parent company disclosed plans for 12,000 layoffs.

Google has been a reliable source of innovative artificial intelligence technology, and they are poising themselves to take on ChatGPT with their chatbot technology. With all that they have accomplished in the past, it is safe to say that whatever Google unveils will be a game-changer in the industry. Stay tuned for more updates on this story as it develops!


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