Google’s Next Move As Microsoft Embraces Open Source Technology

The tech world is buzzing about Microsoft embracing OpenAI and the implications of this decision on the tech sector. But what does it mean for Google since they have long been one of the major players in the AI space? As competition continues to heat up between these two giants, we look at how Google responds and what its next move might be. From making key investments and acquisitions to developing innovative AI solutions, find out why many people think that Google still has an ace regarding artificial intelligence.

Before its public launch, novelist Robin Sloan had the opportunity to try out a similar AI writing assistant created by Google researchers – ChatGPT.

Sloan quickly concluded that the technology was no help, despite having written the well-known “Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore.”

Sloan says:

“A lot of the state-of-the-art AI right now is impressive enough to really raise your expectations and make you think, ‘Wow, I’m dealing with something really, really capable.’”

“But then in a thousand little ways, a million little ways, it ends up kind of disappointing you and betraying the fact that it really has no idea what’s going on.”

A different business could have unleashed the trial into the external world, similar to what OpenAI did when they launched their ChatGPT program at the end of 2019.

Despite a growing demand for Google to become more competitive with Microsoft, which is investing billions into OpenAI and incorporating its technology into its products, the internet giant has been careful about who can use its AI advancements.

The stress is starting to show, as Google has told one of its AI divisions to make tackling ChatGPT a top priority, according to an internal document revealed this week by CNBC.

Google refused to confirm if they are creating a chatbot that is accessible to the public.

Lily Lin, the Google spokesperson, says:

“To test our AI technology internally to make sure it’s helpful and safe, and we look forward to sharing more experiences externally soon.”

Google’s expansive research division has been instrumental in making generative AI a rapidly growing field with its developments, such as the ability to generate readable text, novel images, music, and video.

In an interview with The Associated Press in November, Zoubin Ghahramani, Google’s Vice President of Research, commented.

Zoubin Ghahramani says:

“So we have an important stake in this area, but we also have an important stake in not just leading in being able to generate things, but also in dealing with information quality.”

Ghahramani stated that the firm strives to be judicious concerning what it puts out and how.

Zoubin Ghahramani went on to say:

“Do we want to make it accessible in a way that people can produce stuff en masse without any controls? The answer to that is no, not at this stage. It wouldn’t be responsible for us to be the people driving that.

And they weren’t. Four weeks after the AP interview, OpenAI released its ChatGPT for free to anyone with an internet connection. Millions of people worldwide have tried it, sparking searing discussions at schools and corporate offices about the future of education and work.

OpenAI declined to address any similarities between themselves and Google. However, in January, Microsoft and OpenAI declared their dedication to creating “dependable and secure AI systems and products” when revealing their extended alliance.

Sloan stated that no automated writing system, such as ChatGPT or Google’s creative writing feature, can compare to a human’s academic assistance capabilities.

Sloan’s 2012 novel, which revolves around a mysterious San Francisco bookstore, features a fictitious version of Google as its main point.s its main point.

The company likely chose to invite him, amongst other authors, for the Wordcraft Writers Workshop trial due to its foundation in an effective AI system named LaMDA.

Only time will tell what Google has, but they focus on improving OpenAI. This is good news for Microsoft as they have been trying to focus more on Azure and the cloud. However, with Google making such a large investment into OpenAI, one can only wonder what their plans are for the future.



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