Expert Opinion On Artificial Intelligence In The Garden Of Innovation

In the Wall Street Journal Editorial Report, Paul Gigot interviews columnist Andy Kessler. Zuma Press and the Wall Street Journal provide images of them together. Mark Kelly composes a composite of the two.

Almost a quarter-century ago, I took my grade-school son to a raucous convention in New York to experience the excitement of times when the internet was dawning. Steve Jobs’ speaking at the event inspired my son, who was already interested and passionate about Apple computers.

At a seminar 30 years ago in the West, I was mesmerized by the passion demonstrated by young and wild-haired Nathan Myhrvold. He then ran Microsoft Research and spoke about an unprecedented occurrence: History was witnessing the birth of something new.

The small yet telling detail from the start of this age that always gave me pause was the icon of its greatest company: Apple. An apple with a bite taken out had become its great symbol, which remained with me for years.

At the beginning of time, God warned Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden not to take a bite from the Tree; however, the serpent tempted Eve, claiming that if she ate its fruit, she would become like God and come to know all.

She took the fruit; her eyes opened, knowing shame for the first time. The serpent had said that if she ate it, she’d be equal to God, so He didn’t want her to have it. Adam followed suit, and his eyes were also opened.

Adam and Eve were rebuked by God for their wrongdoing and subsequently banished from the Garden. In response, Adam blamed Eve, and Eve, in turn, faulted the serpent. Consequently, they were forced to leave the paradise they once enjoyed, entering into this broken world that we now exist in.

The future of AI in the Garden of Eden and beyond will depend on our ability to harness its potential while being mindful of its impact on society and the world at large. By taking a proactive and responsible approach, we can work towards creating a future where AI and humanity coexist in harmony rather than conflict.

Source: WSJ

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