Debunking Myths And Identifying Risks Of ChatGPT And Generative AI

ChatGPT and DALL-E, two new generative AIs, could potentially revolutionize fields such as art, entertainment, and advertising. However, there are ethical concerns regarding the misuse of these technologies for malicious activities – including deepfakes and other harmful content.

Four academic experts have been invited by the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) unit of Milan to take part in an open panel discussion. This panel will be publicly accessible for academics and students, aiming to address the myths and risks associated with this technology.

The PNRR-Future Artificial Intelligence Research panel will review the potential of generative AIs and correct any false assumptions, such as those suggesting they can independently manage operations without human management. The panel is dedicated to analyzing technical abilities and obstacles for these systems.

Riccardo Zecchina, Full Professor of Computer Science at Università Bocconi, will introduce the event. Afterward, Francesco Pierri, a Postdoctoral Researcher of Computer Science at Politecnico di Milano, will be moderating the panel.

Mark Carman, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Alfio Ferrara, Full Professor at Università di Milano, Dirk Hovy, Associate Professor from Università Bocconi and Gabriella Pasi, Full Professor from Università di Milano Bicocca.

Certain myths and risks are associated with generative AI, such as ChatGPT, but there are also significant opportunities and benefits to be gained from this technology. By acknowledging and addressing the risks while leveraging the benefits, we can ensure that generative AI is used responsibly and ethically and benefits society.

Source: Eventi del Politecnico di Milano

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