Cyber Watchdog Releases Generative AI Draft Regulations To Protect Consumers

The Cyberspace Administration of China has released a draft regulation concerning the oversight of generative artificial intelligence and is now seeking public feedback.

The Cyberspace Administration of China has put forward a draft to manage the utilization of generative AI technology and further its healthy evolution.

The 21-article draft was made available on the website, and comments and opinions are accepted until May 10.

The draft was created to comply with Cybersecurity, Data Security, and Personal Information Protection laws and administrative rules. It promotes the development, implementation, use, and global collaboration of AI algorithms and other fundamental technologies. Furthermore, it encourages the preferential utilization of safe and dependable software programs, tools, computing resources, and data.

The document stresses that content produced by AI should not undermine the government’s authority, promote overthrowing socialism, break away from the nation, or disintegrate national unity.

Creating content related to terrorism, extremism, ethnic discrimination and hatred, violence, pornography, and false information is prohibited. Anything that could potentially disrupt the economic or social order is also forbidden.

Opening generative AI draft regulation to public opinion is a commendable step toward responsible and inclusive governance of AI technologies. It encourages transparency, fosters trust, and ensures that a broader range of perspectives is considered in the regulatory process. By involving the public, the regulatory body can create a regulatory framework that aligns with societal values and helps address the complex challenges posed by generative AI. It sets a positive precedent for future AI governance efforts and promotes a collaborative approach toward harnessing the potential of AI for the benefit of society as a whole.

Source: @ChinaDailyApp

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