China Proposes Measures To Manage Generative AI And Its Potential Impact

On Tuesday, China’s cyber regulator unveiled proposals for governing generative artificial intelligence services. They require firms to provide security assessments to the authorities before providing these services to the public.

As OpenAI’s ChatGPT was released and investment and consumer interest in the technology surged, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has created rules to address the potential risks associated with this emerging field. Many governments are now looking into how they can reduce these dangers.

A range of Chinese tech companies, such as Baidu (9888. HK), SenseTime (0020. HK), and Alibaba (9988. HK), have recently demonstrated their new AI models that can power a variety of applications from chatbots to image generators.

The Chinese authorities declared their backing for advancing and utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI), encouraging people to use secure and dependable software, tools, and data sources. This said any content generated by generative AI must abide by the fundamental socialist values of China.

According to the statement, producers should guarantee the credibility of data utilized to train generative AI products. Appropriate steps should be taken to hinder bigotry while making algorithms and preparing data.

The regulatory body stipulated that companies providing services must oblige their customers to give accurate identity and associated data details. Providers will be fined, suspended services, or even face criminal investigations if they fail to comply with the rules.

The CAC has mandated that companies update their technologies within three months if their platforms create inappropriate content to stop similar material from being generated again. The public has until May 10 to provide their opinion on the proposals, and the rules are anticipated to be implemented later this year.

China’s proposal for measures to manage generative AI is a significant step toward addressing the potential impact of this technology. By promoting transparency, accountability, intellectual property protection, and international cooperation, China aims to ensure that generative AI is developed and utilized responsibly and competently.

As generative AI continues to advance, stakeholders globally must work together to shape this technology’s development and use to maximize its potential benefits while minimizing its risks.

Source: Reuters

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