ChatGPT Bot Achieves Success With US Law School Exam Pass

Chats aren’t just for connecting with friends – now, an artificially intelligent chatbot can pass a US law school exam. Called the ChatGPT bot, this powerful AI has demonstrated its immense capabilities by passing the Law School’s subject exams and achieving an A! By leveraging natural language processing and conversational AI technology, ChatGPT has revolutionized how we communicate with machines and achieved unprecedented learning capabilities. We’re excited to explore this brilliant achievement further in today’s blog post as we discuss what makes ChatGPT so groundbreaking and see what it can accomplish in the future!

A chatbot has achieved a remarkable feat by taking and successfully passing examinations at an American law school. It composed essays on many topics, such as constitutional law, taxation, and torts, utilizing large amounts of data from the web.

OpenAI, a US firm recently given significant monetary backing from Microsoft, has crafted ChatGPT – an AI-based program capable of forming sequences of words based on basic input.

Educators have cautioned that such impressive results could result in a rise in cheating and the eventual replacement of traditional classroom teaching methods.

Jonathan Choi, a Minnesota University Law School professor, administered a test to ChatGPT, composed of 95 multiple-choice questions and 12 essay queries – the same assessment his students had to face.

In a white paper entitled “ChatGPT Goes to Law School,” published Monday, the authors revealed that their bot achieved an overall C+ grade.

This bot got a passing grade, but its performance in most subjects was below par, and it particularly struggled with mathematics-related multiple-choice questions. ‘NOT A GREAT STUDENT

Jonathan says:

“In writing essays, ChatGPT displayed a strong grasp of basic legal rules and had consistently solid organization and composition,”

“Often struggled to spot issues when given an open-ended prompt, a core skill on law school exams”.

In New York and other locations, ChatGPT has been prohibited in schools. However, Choi proposed that it could be a beneficial tool for instruction.

The professor continues to say:

“Overall, ChatGPT wasn’t a great law student acting alone.”

“But we expect that collaborating with humans, language models like ChatGPT would be very useful to law students taking exams and to practicing lawyers.”

Downplaying the likelihood of academic dishonesty, he wrote to another Twitter user that two out of three markers had determined a bot wrote the paper. This suggested that cheating had not occurred, and the student had successfully created convincing writing without resorting to unethical practices.

Jonathan Choi continues to say:

“(They) had a hunch and their hunch was right, because ChatGPT had perfect grammar and was somewhat repetitive,”

The implications of this event are interesting and numerous. For one, it shows that artificial intelligence is maturing and becoming more advanced. Additionally, it highlights the potential for AI to be used in various legal settings – such as taking and passing exams. This could potentially revolutionize how lawyers are educated and licensed in the United States. What other ramifications do you think this event will have?



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