ChatGPT AI Rival: Draft Accurate Legal Documents With Expert Lawyers

Law firms use AI to create and revise legal documents using a chatbot similar to ChatGPT. The application of this technology enables them to handle such tasks more efficiently.

Lexis+ is an innovative software developed for legal experts which enables them to research case law, summarise documents and even compose letters. It promises to revolutionize the way legal duties are undertaken.

Managers displayed how the chatbot could condense existing laws and regulations and give sample cases to illustrate them. They used this as an example in one of their demonstrations.

Lawyers possess the ability to revise emails that are sent out to clients. Additionally, they can alter the language and temperament of an existing document; for instance, attaining a viable degree of aggressiveness in a cease and desist letter.

Several top law firms, such as Baker McKenzie, Reed Smith, and Foley & Lardner, are piloting the technology before its implementation. They have all signed up for the trial of this new technology.

LexisNexis, the company that created the chatbot, trained the AI with their legal information and documents database. With their resources, they could develop and equip it properly for use.

Paraphrasing this paragraph, the company sought to ensure accurate results by using ChatGPT by negating “hallucinations” – or factually incorrect responses- often experienced by users. This would help to avoid any potential issues due to misinformation.

By using the new technology, legal research will be easier and faster to accomplish, according to the bosses. This process typically requires substantial effort and time from those involved.

LexisNexis’ Chief Product Officer, Jeff Pfeifer, mentioned that the company’s new and advanced AI-driven technology comes with verifiable and citable authority, reducing the risks of hallucination associated with large language models.

Using AI-powered tools for drafting legal documents allows lawyers to increase efficiency and enhance the quality of their work. However, lawyers must maintain their legal expertise and ethical obligations while utilizing these tools to maximize their benefits. As AI technology evolves, seeing how it transforms the legal profession and how lawyers adapt to these changes will be fascinating.

Source: The Telegraph


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