Computer Science Education Gets An Upgrade At This School

To stay ahead of the rapidly advancing technology landscape, a forward-thinking school has incorporated a unique aspect into its computer science curriculum – critiquing chatbots. With the increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence and machine learning, evaluating and understanding these systems has become a critical skill for the future workforce. By giving students hands-on experience with chatbots and teaching them how to analyze their performance and limitations critically, this school is preparing its students for success in a rapidly changing technological world.

Marisa Shuman’s computer science class at the Young Women’s Leadership School of the Bronx commenced like all other days at the start of January.

At approximately 11:30 am, overly excited 11th and 12th graders energetically entered the classroom and sat around the large tables to prepare for their study session with their laptops.

Ms. Shuman had put a query about wearable technology on the whiteboard at the front of the room, which was discussed in that day’s lesson.

Ms. Shuman, having taught for 10 years, had never before not written any of the lesson plans. She created the class material with the help of ChatGPT, a chatbot that utilizes A.I. to answer inquiries incomprehensible language.

Ms. Shuman assessed the chatbot’s potential advantages and drawbacks with her students by employing the algorithm-constructed lesson.

Ms. Shuman says to her students:

“I don’t care if you learn anything about wearable technology today,”

“We are evaluating ChatGPT. Your goal is to identify whether the lesson is effective or ineffective.”

They urge their pupils to question the hoopla encompassing quickly developing A.I. tools and think about the technologies’ possible repercussions.

These educators intend to teach the upcoming generation of technology users and creators in “critical computing” so that they can become proficient in this area.

An analytical approach that emphasizes the importance of understanding how to critique computer algorithms as much as — if not more than — knowing how to program computers is essential.

The New York City Public Schools system, the largest in the U.S. with an enrollment of 900,000 students, is training a cohort of computer science teachers to teach their pupils about potential risks and biases associated with Artificial Intelligence.

Class discussions focus on the potential inaccuracies of facial recognition algorithms that are more precise at recognizing white faces than those with darker skin tones.

Middle school science and humanities teachers in Illinois, Florida, New York, and Virginia are taking advantage of an artificial intelligence literacy curriculum designed by the Scheller Teacher Education Program faculty at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Students are asked to contemplate the moral implications of powerful artificial intelligence systems, such as “generative adversarial networks,” which can generate false media material, including realistic videos of prominent politicians uttering words they never uttered in reality.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is becoming more commonplace, and educators and researchers believe that comprehending these computer algorithms is essential for students to manage their daily lives and be involved in social and civic matters.

Kate Moore, a research specialist from M.I.T., played an integral role in developing AI-based lessons for various educational institutions.

Kate Moore says:

“It’s important for students to know about how A.I. works because their data is being scraped, their user activity is being used to train these tools,”

“Decisions are being made about young people using A.I., whether they know it or not.”

I recently visited the Young Women’s Leadership School of the Bronx, a public middle and high school for girls that is leading the way in encouraging its students to examine A.I. technologies. I spent two days there, seeing how this was done in classes.

This large, beige-colored school is focused on math, science, and technology. It caters to approximately 550 students, mainly comprised of Latinx and Black individuals.

This school stands out from other public schools in that it strives to prepare its students to become innovative and empowered women who are not just ready for college but also prepared to drive social change through their influence. As the website states, this school is dedicated to helping teach valuable skills which can be used for a better society.

The school has achieved an impressive four-year graduation rate of 98 percent, significantly higher than the average for New York City high schools.

Incorporating chatbot critique into the computer science curriculum at this school is a visionary step forward in ensuring that students are well-equipped for the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly advancing technological world. By giving students the tools to understand and analyze the strengths and limitations of chatbots, the school is providing them with valuable skills that will serve them well in their future careers.

This innovative approach to computer science education is a model that other schools should consider adopting, as it prepares students for success in a constantly evolving technological landscape. By investing in the education and development of its students, this school is setting them up for a bright and exciting future filled with endless possibilities.”



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