Alfred Dawes – Exploring The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

Big Tech companies are pushing rapidly towards AI advancements, rivaling even the race for the iPhone. The rapid development of artificial intelligence has not been seen since then – with firms dedicating immense resources to compete in a crowded market.

The unprecedented speed at which Big Tech firms are engaging in fierce competition to advance the development of AI resembles the rapidity with which Apple replaced keyboards with iPhones. This amazing race exemplifies the significant impact of disruptive technologies.

Apple, once the disruptor, is now being disrupted. The world’s most valuable company has responded slowly after introducing the virtual assistant Siri. Despite Apple’s pioneering role here, it appears to have been left behind in this technological advancement.

Elon Musk, a longtime AI skeptic, has called for a break in the rapid development of AI technology to work out regulations and standards before it becomes too disruptive. This is especially relevant for developing countries with poorly regulated systems, where the potential harm that AI could do is particularly concerning.

AI is expected to revolutionize Jamaica’s development processes in the future. The industrial revolution saw a concentration of wealth in Western Europe as their factories required more resources and bigger export markets. This highlights the potential of AI to change the equation, bringing greater economic freedom to countries like Jamaica.

The post-industrial revolution demanded that third-world countries provide the essential components for global economic success, such as raw materials, an abundance of low-priced labor, and a market eager to consume imported finished goods.

Various civilizations, including India and China, once the world’s largest economies, experienced de-industrialization. To industrialize Paraguay, a devastating war occurred whose repercussions are still in effect nowadays.


The atomic age brought a global arms race that set countries against one another along ideological lines, with human extinction looming dangerously close. In contrast, the information age made a remarkable difference in nations emerging from colonial rule, providing them with affordable energy and other new opportunities.

We must not miss this chance to achieve the ambitions of our forefathers, even though Africa and its diaspora have failed to capitalize upon the prosperity generated by the information revolution, which spawned the offshoring of hardware and widget manufacturing, software development and support services in countries with low-cost labor.

AI is already proving its worth in numerous ways in first-world countries, from self-driving cars to virtual assistants. In Jamaica, AI could tackle problems such as crime, access to education and healthcare, and increasing productivity – areas that have thus far been problematically unsolvable.

We must strive for broader application of AI and not just confine it to call center operations; otherwise, like some other developing nations, we shall only receive crumbs from the ever-expanding feast. For this, dynamic ideas and influential leaders must set us apart.

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AI-driven systems are boosting the trustworthiness of medical tourism destinations and can benefit healthcare providers in numerous ways. For instance, AI technologies help diagnose and treat decisions in radiology and cancer cases.

AI chatbots can facilitate registration, screening, and ordering tests and quickly inform providers of abnormal results, thereby minimizing waiting times and errors. Furthermore, AI can analyze epidemiological trends, predict outbreaks, and identify strategies that enable the health system to be better prepared with resources.

Those in the public health system understand the importance of utilizing advanced technology, even for seemingly simple tasks such as bed management, to prevent patients from sleeping on benches or automatically reordering medication and sundries when reorder levels are reached.

AI technology could enable poor farmers to become competitive through higher yields and more profit. Drones, for instance, could patrol farming communities to tackle praedial larceny. Moreover, soil quality analysis can help determine the best crops for distinct geographic areas nationwide by using weather patterns and crop yield information.

AI could create a safer Jamaica through various measures, such as facial recognition technology to manage crime, data analysis to predict where security forces should be deployed based on activity patterns, and identifying fraud instances. Additionally, AI could aid in legal document preparation and flag unusual activity.

AI can potentially limit even scamming; however, if scammers first hijack it, the technology could be ineffective.

Regarding AI, Jamaica’s regulations and oversight present two potential risks. Historically, excessive rules have hindered the success of numerous industries. This could happen again if steps are not taken to control these potential risks.

One needs not look any further than the cannabis industry to witness that ridiculously expensive and onerous requirements had prevented poor farmers, many of whom were jailed and had their fields burned in years past before marijuana was legalized, from partaking.

Similarly, regulating the AI industry would be disastrous, yet AI can be employed in illicit activities without proper oversight.

The fear of job losses in manufacturing and customer service is justified. This, as well as preferential access to AI technology, could exacerbate existing inequalities. We must immediately create the necessary infrastructure and training programs to mitigate these threats and prepare our children for the AI revolution.

Schools and communities should prioritize access to computers and high-speed internet so children may be introduced to computing from a young age. We may no longer experience the full potential of Artificial Intelligence ourselves; however, our responsibility is to allow our youngsters to explore a future they would have never imagined.

The age of artificial intelligence is upon us, and its impact will continue to grow. As we navigate this new era, it is up to us to ensure that AI is used to benefit society as a whole rather than just a select few. By working together, we can harness the power of AI to create a better, more equitable future for all.


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