Adapt Now Or Be Replaced: ChatGPT & Other AI Technologies

OpenAI’s ChatGPT, an American Artificial Intelligence firm, was released in November 2022 and has been incredibly successful – amassing over one million users.

– Google has also created its own AI chatbot, Google Bard, designed to be even more responsive than similar products.

– Moses Kemibaro, CEO of Dotsavvy Limited, corroborated that platforms such as these can harm certain job roles.

ChatGPT, a bot released by OpenAI in November 2022, has stirred up conversations about its capabilities and the long-term impacts it may have on working culture.

Youth looking at a computer. Photo: International Journalist Network.

Google, in February 2023, introduced their bot called Bard, capable of performing tasks like writing essays, poems and coding faster than humans.

GOOGLE BARD In Kenya: Get Started With CHATGP

The advent of AI technologies has caused a significant stir worldwide, as many people fear potential job loss.

Moses Kemibaro, the CEO and founder of Dotsavvy – a company that offers integrated digital business solutions – declared that certain organizations in Kenya are taking advantage of ChatGPT to boost their productivity.

Moses Kemibaro says:

“We already know of cases in Kenya where some organizations have decided not to recruit more people and instead are asking the existing teams to use tools like ChatGPT to enhance their productivity and even the overall quality of their work,”

Kemibaro, in an interview with, stated that chatbots are essential to business environments as they facilitate productivity and save time and money.

He also beckoned employees to upgrade their knowledge and proficiencies to augment their employability prospects. Additionally, they must develop new abilities due to changing market trends to safeguard their jobs.

Moses Kemibaro went on to say:

“There are many considerations for generative AI platforms like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. One clear thing is that many of these platforms will actually enhance the productivity of those who know how to use them and in the process save time, money, and effort to get things done.However, if a person thinks their job is at risk due to such AI platforms, they need to amplify their capabilities and core competencies rather than be replaced by an AI platform,”

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) highlighted the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms, warning that they could be both a blessing and a curse. According to him, introducing this technology may lead to some winners and losers in the long term.

ChatGPT & Jobs Likely To Be Phased Out by Automation

The tech entrepreneur stated that jobs likely to be affected or replaced by these bots are those that require fewer human skills.

“The jobs at risk from AI are those that are repetitive or mundane that do not require a high level of skill to the extent that software can do what a human can do faster, cheaper, and better.”

Data entry clerks, customer service representatives, proofreaders, paralegals, bookkeepers, translators, copywriters, market research analysts, social media managers, and appointment schedulers are some jobs that will most likely be replaced by AI technologies such as ChatGPT, according to The Economic Times.

Other job opportunities include telemarketing, virtual assistance, transcription, news reporting, travel agency, tutoring, technical analysis for support services, e-mail marketing, content moderation, and recruitment.

Kemibaro continues to say:

“AI is extremely good at automating these jobs and already we see in banks where jobs like credit scoring are now automated through AI,”

Organizations have various options regarding workforce adjustments; they could retrain or redeploy their employees or, in some cases, make positions redundant. It all depends on the particular circumstances of the organization.

How OPENAI Exploited Kenyan Workers: The Full Story

ChatGPT drew criticism for its exploitative practices of the workers who created and released the bot. The American AI company was called out for subjecting Kenyan data labelers to substandard working conditions.

OpenAI employed Sama to outsource data moderation, offering pay of KSh 150 to KSh 250 per hour for identifying dangerous material. Per the contracts signed between the two entities, a rate of KSh 1,500 per hour was agreed upon.

Sama declared that the allocated money was used to cover all expenses, such as infrastructure, salaries, and employee benefits.

Therefore, it is important for individuals to be aware of the potential impact of automation on their careers and to acquire new skills that will be in demand in the future job market. Education and training programs focusing on technology and digital skills are becoming increasingly important, as they can help workers adapt to the changing job landscape. Ultimately, the future of work is still uncertain, but individuals and societies must be prepared to adapt and evolve to stay competitive in the job market.

Source: – Kenya news.

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