A Realistic Roadmap For Getting Your AI Company Off The Ground

AI systems are advancing so rapidly that pausing them long enough to ensure their safety may seem unfeasible. However, this is not the case. Regulators can take action and prevent tech companies from unleashing potentially dangerous systems.

The AI Now Institute, a research center focusing on the social effects of artificial intelligence, has put out a report which contains an itinerary that explicitly outlines what measures policymakers can implement.

Amba Kak and Sarah Myers West, who have been advisers to Federal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan, provide a refreshingly pragmatic and actionable approach due to their government experience. Their emphasis lies on what regulators can accomplish in the present moment.

The main point is that lessening the risks of AI necessitates diminishing the control held by major tech conglomerates. Forming advanced AI systems requires much data and computing power, both currently monopolized by a few powerful firms. These firms have tremendous amounts to spend on influencing governments; their size also makes them immune to failure since governments rely on them for services.

A consequence is that only a select few companies have the power to determine the terms for everyone else. They can create and deploy AI systems with immense implications, but there is hardly any responsibility associated with it.

The report says:

“A handful of private actors have accrued power and resources that rival nation-states while developing and evangelizing artificial intelligence as critical social infrastructure,”

The authors emphasize the ironic reality that we have allowed a select few individuals we have not elected to possess an immense amount of authority. When you think about the risks of systems like ChatGPT and GPT-4-powered Bing — like the risk of spreading

Remarkably, businesses such as OpenAI and Microsoft can launch these systems without consulting the public, even though OpenAI’s mission is to “guarantee that artificial general intelligence serves the interests of all humanity.” So far, it has been left up to the company to determine what would benefit everyone. Disinformation that can damage democratic society remains a major concern.

The report proposes that it is essential to reclaiming authority from businesses and outlines some approaches. Let’s investigate them further.

Concrete Strategies For Gaining Control Of Artificial Intelligence

The present situation is highly illogical, as it entails that when AI systems cause harm, it is the duty of researchers, investigative journalists, and members of the public to record these wrongdoings and demand reform. This leads to a heavy burden on society and an ongoing struggle to keep up with what has already happened.

The main proposal of the report is for companies to show that their products are not causing any harm. It should be like how a drugmaker has to confirm with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that a particular medicine is secure enough to be sold. Similarly, technology firms must demonstrate that their AI systems are safe before being available for public use.

A realistic roadmap for getting your AI company off the ground involves a strategic approach that encompasses identifying a clear problem to solve, securing funding, building a robust and scalable AI product or service, effective marketing and sales strategies, and scaling operations. It is important to acknowledge that building an AI company is a journey that requires perseverance, adaptability, and continuous learning. With careful planning, execution, and dedication, you can navigate the challenges and opportunities of the AI landscape and build a successful AI company.

Source: vox.com

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