ChatGPT Editing Needs: What Users Have To Say On AI Chatbot

Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots have been making waves in recent years, with ChatGPT being one of the most popular and highly advanced AI chatbots. However, despite its impressive language generation capabilities, some users have expressed concerns over the quality of its output. In this blog post, we’ll explore the mixed views on ChatGPT and see what users have to say about the AI chatbot.

ChatGPT has been a massive help to Joy, a therapist based in New Zealand who has difficulty managing her attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It helps her tackle tasks such as drafting difficult emails, with procrastination less of an issue as she no longer feels overwhelmed.

Joy, in her 30s and a resident of Auckland, voiced this opinion:

“Sitting down to compose a complicated email is something I absolutely hate. I would have to use a lot of strategies and accountability to get it done, and I would feel depleted afterward,”

“But telling GPT ‘write an email apologising for a delay on an academic manuscript, blame family emergency, ask for consideration for next issue’ feels completely doable.”

According to Joy, there is a lesser psychological burden when editing an AI chatbot’s output than other tasks. She states that she has proposed employing it in this manner to her customers.

Joy went on to say:

“It is much easier to edit a draft than to start from scratch, so it helps me break through blocks around task initiation,”

“It avoids a psychological logjam for neurodiverse people. I think it would also potentially have value for people who struggle with professional norms due to neurodivergence and come across as curt.”

Since its public launch in November, ChatGPT, a San Francisco-based OpenAI creation, has become an overnight sensation. It has gained 100 million users in just two months due to its capacity for crafting believable essays, recipes, poems, and long responses to a broad range of questions that spread quickly across the internet.

Microsoft, a major supporter of OpenAI, has taken advantage of the technology behind ChatGPT for their Bing search engine. In addition, Google has rolled out its chatbot and declared that the same technology would be integrated into its search engine.

ChatGPT and Bard from Google are based on large language models trained using extensive text data from the internet. This enables them to respond to a wide range of queries effectively.

Guardian readers, who are part of the 100 million users that have used ChatGPT, have experienced various outcomes from the prototype; their reactions are disparate.

At 30, Naveen Cherian, a project manager in Bengaluru, India, who works with publishing, began using ChatGPT for his emails. He soon discovered that it could be put into practice to perform laborious work duties.

He has been content with the outcomes of his attempts to reduce book descriptions into 140-character summaries.

Naveen Cherian says:

“It works brilliantly, and I only need to do a sanity check after it is done.”

Cherian has utilized his time more effectively, allowing him to focus on the creative parts of his job. His employer has been aware of this and supports using AI writing tools.

Naveen Cherian continues to say:

“I can concentrate on the actual book content and focus on how I can edit it to make it better,”

“As long as the work is of quality, and I get to do more processing than before, they are happy. The concern they had was only that I shouldn’t fully depend on it, which I do not.”

Rezza, aged 28 and living in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is one of the many students who have become reliant on chatbot technology for their studies.

Rezza says:

“I have so many ideas but only enough time to act on a few of them because I need to write them,” “Most time consuming”

He claims that the chatbot has slashed the time it takes to create an essay by three times. Nevertheless, he states that it produces content needing substantial editing and hasn’t been of much aid in constructing citations; when he gave it a shot, it was not successful.

Rezza went on to say:

“With the improved workflow, my hands are catching up with my brain,”

“Gave out nonexistent academic citations.”

“I don’t tell my professors because there is not yet a clear policy enacted on this matter in my university. I also think it is not necessary; using a calculator does not stop you from becoming a mathematician.”

ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, has received mixed views from users. While some praise its advanced language generation capabilities and ability to respond to complex queries, others have raised concerns about the accuracy and quality of its output, stating that it requires a significant amount of editing. The debate over the quality of AI chatbots is ongoing, and it’s important to understand users’ different perspectives on this topic.

Source: theguardian


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