TL;DR Using Azure Open AI Service: A Guide To Creating Short Summaries

This post does not discuss Chat GPT or Generative AI, as these topics are already extensively documented. Instead, I will focus on the Azure Open AI Service – Microsoft’s new managed platform-as-a-service offering.

In this article, I illustrate the process of creating an application based on Azure Open AI Service from a developer perspective. I will demonstrate how easy it is to use Azure Open AI Service and build an application with it!

Let’s Cook!

Currently, Azure Open AI Service is only accessible by invitation and is limited to a few regions (East US, South Central US & West Europe). It provides a REST API interface that enables access to OpenAI’s language models, including GPT-4, GPT-3, Codex, and DALL-E.

Models that can be adjusted to fit the needs of business domain circumstances that necessitate content production, content abridgment, searching, and natural language to code interpretation are available.

The Azure OpenAI Studio provides a web-based interface, which can be used to access the service, and SDKs available for various languages. Alternatively, users can make use of the REST APIs.

The Azure Open AI Service offers a straightforward but effective way to interact with any of its models. Users enter some text as a prompt, and the model returns a completion replicating the context or pattern.

Once you have created an Azure OpenAI Resource, you must implement the model by deploying it to begin making API calls and generating text with a prompt-based model. The user interacts with the model by entering a text prompt; from there, the model responds with a text completion.

It is possible to carry out this action either with the help of Deployment APIs or by utilizing a GUI accessible on the Azure Portal. When deploying, you can specify the model you want to utilize. OpenAI’s text processing involves segmenting it into individual words known as tokens. The amount of tokens processed in one request depends on its length and any output/input parameters specified.

Azure OpenAI Service for TL;DR summaries offers a powerful and innovative solution to enhance content comprehension and accessibility. With its capabilities in AI and NLP, this service has the potential to revolutionize the way we consume and understand information, making it a valuable tool for various industries and use cases. As AI advances, leveraging services like Azure OpenAI can unlock new possibilities and opportunities for content summarization innovation.

Source: Shiny Objects

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