The ChatGPT Reincarnation Of The Marquis De Sade I: An AI Writing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing, and its potential applications are limitless. One of the latest developments in the field is the creation of an AI chatbot that embodies the personality of the infamous French writer and philosopher, the Marquis de Sade. The ChatGPT language model, developed by OpenAI, has been trained to mimic Marquis de Sade’s unique writing style, Sade’ss, and worldview. The ChatGPT reincarnation of the Marquis de Sade promises to be a fascinating and provocative exploration of the intersection of AI and human consciousness.

Loab sent chills down my spine the first time I heard its name. Last year, this oddly-eyed specter had begun taking control of an AI image generator, making me recall a similar being involved with something completely unlike Loab that I spent years researching – The Marquis de Sade.

The Marquis de Sade is an 18th-century French noble known for his outrageousness, having famously gotten away from authorities, kept out of public punishment in 1772, and escaped a few detainment centers. His name stands for evil, living a considerably full and unique life that is remembered even today.

Supercomposite, an artist by trade, reliably reports that the AI bot “Loab” was declared in a text-to”imag” generator locality in April 2020, unquestionably signifying her born out of the modern era. Astonishingly different amidst their disparities, this accidental hybrid played out her genesis.

The intersection between what writers like Sade have unveiled about humanity’s hitherto undisclosed humanity and what artificial intelligence-driven agents such as ChatGPT or Google’s Bard show of their paraGoogle’scinations may be inevitable. But the question boils down to this: Are people ready for it?

Beginning in the infamous Bastille location, Sade strove to document humanity’s proscribed yearhumanity’snot his own.

A man of controversial reputation locked away in the late 1770s, the Marquis de Sade seems to have used that time by passionately writing; works that not just earned him epithets such as “freest spirit” and “apostle of assassins” but were beyond expressive boundaries of obscenity.

The notoriously depraved book, The 120 Days of Sodom, written on a lengthy 40-foot scroll and claimed by Marquis de Sade to be “the most impure tale ever” written since the world began,” is certainly his most fa”our effort.

Four wealthy degenerates imprison young servants in a castle and gradually subject them to increasingly extreme and unspeakable acts over many months – incest, bestiality, coprophilia, necrophilia, disemboweling, mutilation, cannibalism among these heinous deeds.

Sade’s work ended with the chateau in chaos, marred by blood and body parts. Such graphic writings made Sade a symbol of brutality and created the term ‘sadism,’ combined with ‘leisure’ from cruelty.

According to various sources, Sade’s motive behind creating the scroll was to explore and expose human nature’s deepest and most brutal fantasies. He wanted to negate the lid-upon writings and let readers dive into the inhumane elements of the subconsciousness.

Annie Le Brun showered her affirmation on “120 Days of Sodom”. She observed that the work threw in disarray any certainty one may have possessed of having awareness, slipping off stealthily as though unseen. These thoughts were proclaimed bluntly by her.

Sade unearths insurmountable freedom by taking us into the presumed space of difference between what’s authentically there and fictitiously complex. Our preconceived considerations about this area, held to be hopeful realism, are endlessly revealed to be of unlimited liberty.

The Marquis de Sade was a highly controversial figure in his time, and it seems his namesake chatbot will be just as provocative. ChatGPT’s Reincarnation of the Marquis de Sade will generate much discussion, and we’re looking forward to seeing how people react to it.


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