Peter Gabriel’s Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence: An Insightful Perspective

Gabriel has voiced his concern about the advancing technology of Artificial Intelligence, warning that no job is safe–including his own. He views the situation with anxiety, knowing AI may eventually make human workers obsolete.

Gabriel highlighted the importance of preparing for what AI technology has the potential to achieve. He said this was essential when talking about Reverberation – his tech company.

Gabriel says:

“I’m probably just as scared [of AI] as everybody else, but I like to jump in the river rather than talk about it. … I do think about it quite a lot, and I think not enough people are thinking about it.”

“And it would be great to get ahead [of it]. You know, this is something that’s going have way more impact than the Industrial Revolution and the nuclear bomb. So, if we don’t start anticipating what it might do, it’s going to be too late, because it’s very fast.”

Gabriel investigated if music created by AI could have an emotional reaction similar to that of songs made by humans. He conducted this study to see whether or not there was a corresponding response between the two.

Gabriel noted that, in the future, there could be algorithms that comprehend and decipher even the human spirit.

Gabriel went on to say:

“Most people argue no; I would say they just need better algorithms,”

“So, we might as well just grab the algorithms and dance with them, rather than fight them. Unfortunately, I don’t think my job or anyone’s job is safe from AI,” \

“The way to look at it, though, is this amazing toolkit is just coming into our possession and we could do all sorts of extraordinary things, including perhaps – and I do say ‘perhaps’ – protecting our future.”

In February, Gabriel dropped “The Court (Dark-Side Mix)” – the second single from his upcoming album ‘i/o.’ Featuring contributions from Brian Eno and backing vocals from his daughter Melanie Gabriel, this song marked a major release for the artist.

As we move forward, it will be essential for individuals and organizations to adapt to the changing job market and acquire new skills to remain competitive. Additionally, society needs to consider the ethical implications of AI and work towards a future where technology is used to enhance human well-being rather than detract from it.

Overall, Peter Gabriel’s words remind us that the world is constantly evolving and that it is our responsibility to stay informed, adaptable, and forward-thinking in the face of technological advancements.

Source: NME

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