Open Letter To Pause AI Experiments: What Does “ZERO” Mean?

The recent call for a “pause” on giant AI experiments – especially for training larger models like GPT-4 – has riled up the AI world, sparking a wave of debate and disagreement amongst fearmongers and doomsday prophets on one side and self-proclaimed experts on the other.

OpenAI, the firm responsible for causing the turmoil, is continuing its agenda with an upcoming plan of touring throughout to observe its inventions’ repercussions and interacting with VIPs and negotiators. Despite the distraction, they remain undeterred.

To date, this open letter has been signed by over 2500+ individuals. The main reason for the popularity of this petition is that it reflects the shared sentiment that powerful AI systems should only be developed when we are certain their consequences will be beneficial. Their potential dangers can be adequately managed.

A system’s assurance level should be well-justified and proportional to its reach and consequences. As the magnitude of such effects increases, so does our confidence level in the system.

The open letter provides a thought-provoking call to action for AI community workers. As we continue to develop and deploy these technologies, it is essential that we do so with a deep understanding of the potential ethical implications and that we take steps to mitigate any negative impacts. By engaging in open and honest dialogue about these issues, we can work together to build a future in which AI is used responsibly and ethically for the benefit of all.


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