Understand the Pros & Cons of Artificial Intelligence as a System of Control

Keanu Reeves, the Hollywood star, expressed his fear of deepfake digital face edits and confirmed that his movie contracts prohibit digital alterations to his performances. He made these comments regarding artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Keanu Reeves says:

“It’s a system of control and manipulation.”

“What’s frustrating about [deepfakes] is you lose your agency.”

“When you give a performance in a film, you know you’re going to be edited, but you’re participating in that. If you go into deepfake land, it has none of your points of view. That’s scary.”

The Matrix star says:

“It’s going to be interesting to see how humans deal with these technologies.”

“They’re having such cultural, sociological impacts, and the species is being studied. There’s so much ‘data’ on behaviors now.”

Reeves pointed out that his contracts include an inclusion stating that his performances cannot be altered electronically without his consent.

Reeves continues to say:

“I don’t mind if someone takes a blink out during an edit. But early on, in the early 2000s, or it might have been the ’90s, I had a performance changed.”

“They added a tear to my face, and I was just like, ‘Huh?!’ It was like, I don’t even have to be here.”

Keanu Reeves remembered when he attempted to explain something to a young person and how it went. Young person, and how it went.

Keanu Reeves went on to say:

“Trying to explain the plot of The Matrix to this 15-year-old.”

“The character I played was really fighting for what was real.”

“And this young person was just like, ‘Who cares if it’s real?’” he said. “People are growing up with these tools: We’re listening to music already that’s made by AI in the style of Nirvana, there’s NFT digital art.”

“It’s cool, like, Look what the cute machines can make! But there’s a corporatocracy behind it that’s looking to control those things.”

Keanu Reeves adds to say:

“Culturally, socially, we’re gonna be confronted by the value of real, or the nonvalue. And then what’s going to be pushed on us? What’s going to be presented to us?”

“It’s this sensorium. It’s spectacle. And it’s a system of control and manipulation,” the actor added. “We’re on our knees looking at cave walls and seeing the projections, and we’re not having the chance to look behind us.”

Keanu Reeves recent comments on deepfake digital face edits and artificial intelligence shed light on the potential negative impact of these technologies. Reeves expressed concern that these tools can be used as a “system of control and manipulation,” highlighting the importance of understanding AI’s ethical implications and the responsibility of developing and using it.

While deepfake technology can be used for entertainment and creativity, it can also deceive and manipulate individuals. As we continue exploring AI and digital face editing capabilities, it is important to prioritize responsible development and use that considers both the benefits and potential harms. By doing so, we can ensure that AI is used in a way that serves the greater good and benefits society as a whole.

Source: Breitbart


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