Introducing The ChatGPT Shortcut For iPhone & Apple Watch

S-GPT, a modernized shortcut, will enable ChatGPT to be incorporated into the basic system operations of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS.

Federico Viticci has created a conversational shortcut for the public, though an OpenAI pay-as-you-go billing plan must be set up to do so. He is optimistic that this new shortcut will make it much easier to integrate ChatGPT.

S-GPT (an acronym for Shortcuts-GPT) uses Open AI’s developer API, only available through PAYG billing. This shortcut was designed with the newest ChatGPT API, but it can also be used with current ChatGPT 3.5 and 4 models if you can access them.

The screenshots shared by Viticci demonstrate that the integration is quite effective; it looks similar to other standard iPhone apps on mobile, and it appears as a Siri alert. Although the only text is supported, the creator has assured customers that “there are no bounds in terms of how long a query can be.”

The S-GPT shortcut enables a conversational mode, meaning you can communicate as if you were talking to someone on a computer. It stores the context of your conversations. Therefore your conversation is seen as one transcript, and you can ask follow-up questions in the same ‘session.’

Viticci outlines the motivation behind creating a clever shortcut: to make the integration more than simply providing responses to trivia questions or producing mediocre poetry. ChatGPT’s compatibility with Windows further spurred on this ambition, and Viticci’s acknowledgment that this probably won’t be possible for Apple Platforms.

The result of our efforts is highly encouraging. We can view a demonstration on the page showing S-GPT’s capability to create a playlist with certain artists. After comprehending (without any information loss) what you asked for, ChatGPT passes back a list of songs to S-GPT and prompts you for the playlist’s name. When you open your Music App, it will be – your ready-made playlist!

We are thoroughly amazed by the capabilities of S-GPT. Vittici has contrasted it with Siri, which falls short in comparison and displays Apple’sApple’sency in the AI sector.

Unfortunately, Apple has yet to move towards introducing something like ChatGPT or Google Bard, so developers such as Viticci have stepped in to offer what people desire.

Muskaan is a Computing writer for the UK-based TechRadar. She has been committed to writing since her first poem was published in The Times of Zambia, which discussed sunflowers and how small humanity is in comparison. Her work can also be found in multiple literary journals and magazines.

Muskaan, raised in Zambia, has always been captivated by technology, particularly computers. Now a writer for TechRadar, she covers the most up-to-date GPUs and laptops and anything to do with AI. If you have questions or ethical qualms related to ChatGPT or Artificial Intelligence in general, you’ve come right place.

Muskaan somehow managed to successfully install a game on her work MacBook’s TouMacBook’sithout being detected by the IT department (as of yet).

The introduction of a ChatGPT shortcut for iPhone and Apple Watch is a significant step towards improving the accessibility and convenience of this powerful language model. It reflects the ongoing integration of AI into everyday devices and services and empowers users to leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT more efficiently. As AI advances, we can expect further innovations to enhance the user experience and broaden the possibilities of AI-powered communication technology.

Source: TechRadar

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