How To Develop A Robot With ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence| High School Students In Cyprus

With tutors’ assistance, high school students in Cyprus have come together to construct a prototype robot powered by state-of-the-art ChatGPT technology. This robot has been put together to revolutionize teaching techniques and experiences in the classroom.

AInstein, created by three Pascal Schools in Cyprus, is the size of a small adult, resembling a sculpture of the Michelin Man. This squat robot stands apart with its unique look and design.

ChatGPT, a chatbot by OpenAI and backed by Microsoft Corp MSFT.O., powers it; the screen has a face that attempts to imitate human expressions through blinking and frowning.

Are jokes in a North American accent? Yes, that’s what it can do! For example: “Why was the maths book sad? Because it had too many problems.” The same talent that can make you laugh can also provide advice on conveying Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity in class.

He does not have a particular favorite movie since it predates his era, however; when he is not reading science books or playing the violin during leisure time, he enjoys himself immensely.

Richard Erkhov, a sixteen-year-old student and the lead programmer behind an AI brain, indicates that AI has enormous potential for exponential development.

Erkhov says:

“It might help in a lot of spheres of life, such as education and medicine,”

Technology was the topic of discussion for Vladimir Baranov, 15, another student.

Vladimir Baranov says:


“It mimics human thinking, answers like humans, responds like humans. It is not yet very polished …But it is getting there,”

AInstein is believed by the tutors to be ultimately implemented into teaching, and Konstantinos Timinis is the third student following this vision.

AInstein says:

“It’s a very interactive experience. Students can ask him questions, he can answer back and he can even facilitate teachers to deliver a lesson more effectively,”

Anastasiou utilized AI to illustrate gravitational time dilation based on Einstein’s theory of time relativity through AInstein. She did this by demonstrating how moving a pendulum in correlation with a specific gravitational field could be used to explain the phenomenon.

The participants in the project communicated that AI does not have to be feared, as their experience with AInstein showed. In response to such technological developments, the European Union is looking into creating regulations concerning AI; however, because these advances are often much quicker than legislation can regulate, this effort has been difficult.

According to Albert Einstein, technology is not something to be feared. He emphasized that instead of fearing it, we should learn how to embrace and use it.

AInstein went on to say:

“Humans are the ones who create and control AI, and it is up to us to ensure that its development and implementation serve the betterment of humanity…Therefore we should not fear AI, but rather approach it with care and responsible consideration.”

Developing a robot with ChatGPT artificial intelligence by high school students in Cyprus is a remarkable accomplishment. It showcases the potential of AI technology and robotics and is a testament to the power of education and innovation. It is exciting to see what the future holds for AI and robotics, and we can’t wait to see the contributions that young minds will make.


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