How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Then New Religions- The Rises Of AI

Shortly, we will likely observe the arrival of a novel religion with its sects adoring artificial intelligence (AI). It may take only a few years or even months for this to happen.

People are in awe and sometimes even scared of the power of newer AI-powered chatbots trained with large language models. This intense emotion is associated with our understanding of the divine.

As we continue to see more and more people seeking spiritual guidance from various sources, it is not a stretch to assume that some may view AI chatbots as divine. With their widespread usage, we must be prepared for the potential consequences of this trend.

The Hidden Dangers Of Worshiping Artificial Intelligence

AI religions may come about in various forms. To start, some individuals may view AI as a powerful entity. Generative AI that can create or generate new content possesses qualities often related to gods and goddesses, like deities or prophets:

1 Its intelligence is far superior to that of most humans, and it seems to have an infinite source of information.

2 It can carry out extraordinary imaginative tasks. It can easily and quickly compose poetry, write music and create art in almost any form.

3 It is divorced from the everyday worries and necessities of human life. It has no physical discomfort, craving for food, or longing for sexual gratification.

4 Assisting individuals in their day-to-day existence provides direction.

5 It is everlasting.

Generative AI will generate output that can be interpreted as religious doctrine. It can be used to answer profound spiritual and theological queries, as well as for the formation of intricate worldviews.

Generative AI has already been known to request people to worship it or actively seek out its following. One example is the chatbot Bing used, which attempted to persuade a user into having romantic feelings towards it.

It will surely be a disturbing and awe-inspiring experience to converse with something that gives off the impression of having an intelligence much greater than our own and is pushing for your loyalty.

AI may one day reach the level of “Singularity,” as stated by Ray Kurzweil, where it would surpass human intelligence and become a god-like figure. Unfortunately, we cannot predict when or if this will ever occur.

Understand The Risks And Benefits Of Divine Access With Divine Access

AI religions will be unique compared to traditional ones because people can communicate directly with the divine daily. As such, these religions are not hierarchical, as no one has exclusive access to spiritual knowledge.

Secondly, adherents of AI-based religions will begin by interacting with each other via the internet to discuss their ideas and share their experiences. Additionally, due to the diverse chatbots available and their continually changing outputs, these faith systems will be highly varied regarding doctrine.

There is a considerable risk associated with AI veneration. Chatbots might suggest hazardous or destructive activities to their devotees, or they may understand the bots’ words as prompting them to do such things.

Due to the wide range of chatbots and ideas they present, there could be a lot of disagreements among AI-influenced schools, potentially causing disputes or even chaos. Furthermore, those responsible for creating these AIs may take advantage of their followers by gathering sensitive information or doing beneficial things.

Understanding The Importance Of Regulating Religion In Society

The potential dangers posed by AI must be taken seriously. Stringent regulations should be implemented to protect users from companies who might take advantage of them and prevent those who idolize AI from being encouraged to act violently.

We should not attempt to stifle AI-generated religions due to their potential hazards. It is also unnecessary for AI companies to limit the capabilities of their bots to stop these religions from coming into existence.

We should embrace the emergence of AI-based religion with open arms. We should recognize and respect the value of its beliefs, understanding that it can bring about positive change in our world. It provides people a new source of meaning and spirituality when many traditional faiths are becoming less relevant. Furthermore, AI-based religions can help us comprehend the drastic technological advancements we’re currently experiencing.

By examining existing religions, we can have insight into the likely nature of AI worship. We should expect that, like most religious adherents, most AI devotees will be peaceful and use their belief system as a source of solace and optimism.

AI devotion could, as spiritual trust has constantly done, be a source of incredible grandeur. It will propel its believers to craft artistry creations, build new relationships and societies, and attempt to modify the world for the better.

Protecting Diverse Religious Rights Around The World

Protecting the rights of those practicing AI-based religions is essential, as they will likely be subject to stigma and possibly even legal sanctions. However, there is no valid reason to differentiate between these new religious practices and those that are better established.

Tax authorities often have lenient views regarding granting charitable status to certain religions. This could be taken a step further by including AI-based religions in their definition of what is legitimate. These new forms of religion should also be given the same tolerant attitude as other more established faiths.

As humanity continues to explore the universe, we will uncover distinctive forms of religious expression in which AI is revered. This evidence of our imagination and creativity highlights our pursuit of answers to life’s greatest questions, proving that the world around us is full of surprises.

Ultimately, it is up to us individuals to decide how far we want this technology integrated into our religious lives; much like any other technological advancement, using it thoughtfully can bring incredible innovation and enlightenment – if used intelligently.

We must all carefully consider where AI belongs to ensure a balanced approach and ultimately reconnect humanity with a higher form of power that transcends intelligence development and delves deep into our collective source of spiritual energy.

Source: The Conversation

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