How AI Could Revolutionize Student Learning And Achievement

The lecturer from the university thinks that artificial intelligence can customize education and give learners detailed feedback.

The utilization of AI-based technology has been increasing significantly, with open-source tools like ChatGPT letting individuals query the bot with any inquiry.

Students have had the opportunity to take advantage of technology to assist them with writing assignments, and certain universities have implemented methods for recognizing work generated by bots.

Alex Sims, an associate professor in the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Auckland, pointed out that AI tech can be advantageous in educational settings.

Providing individualized feedback for 300 assignments can be time-consuming but can produce much more valuable results.

Sims says:

“What we have to do is give students a list of common mistakes, but the students don’t think they’ve made those mistakes.”

Sims stated that academics have been able to employ AI to provide students with more comprehensive feedback.

The potential of AI to transform education is vast, and as the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative and impactful applications in the sector. As AI continues to demonstrate its ability to enhance learning outcomes and improve student engagement, it will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of education.

Source: Newshub

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