5 Disturbing Examples Of AI Not Being Ready For Prime Time

As technology advances, OpenAI’s ChatGPT provides an additional stepping stone for the ever-increasing utilization of artificial intelligence. The chatbot acts as a major fuel in this growing trend.

OpenAI has made progress with its AI development, introducing a tool known as DALL-E. However, not everything involving AI is beneficial; the consequences of OpenAI’s invention have proven true.

Released in 2021, DALL-E is a digital image-learning model that uses verbal prompts and language descriptions to generate artistic visual representations. However, this could not be confused with the beloved robot WALL-E from PIXAR, the cousin of this technological advancement.

Another amazing version of DALL-E created by Open AI is the DALL-E 2; the images it can create are incredible – sometimes.

People have also created some funny images with the help of DALL-E and its sequel, namely, DALL-E 2. We have put together five of the funniest ones here, which will at least make you chuckle or spark your curiosity.

Given a request to create the world’s most expensive burger, DALL-E came up with an unlikely yet creative concept: a burger constructed entirely out of green emeralds. While it is indeed deemed extraordinary, it does not necessarily appear to be enticing as food.

If you are scared of clowns, avoiding looking at the following image would be best. For someone’s curiosity, DALL-E generated a picture of a world populated solely by clowns, providing visuals of what living in such an environment could look like.

The powerful clown made by DALL-E stands tall atop the world. This wasn’t a symbolic statement but was quite literal – making this formidable and intimidating figure visible to everyone.

Rubik’s cubes present an excellent skill-testing puzzle, even though I’ve never found one so aesthetically pleasing that a person would want to consume it.

Max Woolf, a data scientist, had an amazing idea to ask DALL-E to create a unique Rubik’s Cube – one made out of not just any material but peanut butter and jelly. The result is quite tasty looking, possibly making this his favorite accomplishment!

A Vizsla and Scottish terrier’s paths converged in a Los Angeles dog park on a sunny afternoon. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a young girl crying nearby. The two canines soon discovered her and wanted to know why she was upset.

The small, unnamed girl’s ice cream is no longer good for consumption, for it had hit the ground. However hard DALL-E, who identifies as a non-Vizsla dog breed, may have attempted to help, the outcome was still disheartening.

Kurt Knutsson holding gadgets as presents are what DALL-E produced when instructed to create an illustration. Though the face of Kurt wasn’t quite successful, the laptops, iPhones, and tablets seem real enough even though they come wrapped as presents.

While the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable, there are still significant limitations and challenges to overcome. As we have seen from some disturbing examples, AI can be prone to errors, biases, and even outright dangerous behaviors.

From chatbots that spread hate speech and misinformation to facial recognition systems that are racially biased and inaccurate, these examples highlight the need for continued vigilance and oversight in developing and deploying AI technologies.

Source: Yahoo

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