Commentary: Get ChatGPT To Do Your Homework – Learn How Here!

AI literacy requires knowledge of the limits associated with AI technologies like ChatGPT. Acquired by leveraging vast amounts of textual data, ChatGPT can generate outputs similar to human writing. Therefore, it is essential to understand the boundaries of AI-driven solutions like ChatGPT when engaging in AI literacy.

Although these tools may be useful, it is important to remember that they are not always 100% accurate, objective, or suitable for the task. The model built from the data collected in the training process may harbor biases leading to unpredictable results.

The five stages of ChatGPT usage can be described by the Dunning-Kruger Effect – a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly believe they are smarter than they are. This phenomenon shows that users may go through various stages, ranging from overestimating their understanding to severely underestimating it.

The user’s reaction to ChatGPT is amazement- it can deliver factual and comprehensive answers at an unbelievable speed. This makes the experience feel like talking to a superhuman, leaving the user with a sense of Wow and Awesome!

In stage two, after doubts arise in the user’s mind, it quickly becomes apparent that ChatGPT is nothing more than a statistical tool- it cannot truly comprehend language, merely predicting reasonable outcomes.

In the third stage, individuals recognize that ChatGPT sometimes provides incorrect responses or erroneous outcomes. However, understanding increases in the fourth stage that ChatGPT is only beneficial when accuracy is not a requirement. ChatGPT cannot be relied upon if a reliable answer is necessary.

At the “A-Ha!” stage, users of ChatGPT discover the real benefit it offers – increased productivity. Individuals with a baseline level of AI understanding can quickly move up these five stages if they recognize mistakes made by ChatGPT.

At NIE, we have started offering courses to teachers on AI literacy to equip them with the foundational knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and its usage in education. The courses are mainly aimed at helping teachers fathom AI’s potential and limitations and consider its ethical aspects when employed in education contexts.

Teachers take their existing pedagogical knowledge and experiences, combining them with the potential of AI, to create an action plan for the school. This plan could involve raising AI literacy in staff and students and selecting AI systems that can benefit learners.

Using ChatGPT as a resource to supplement your learning can be incredibly helpful, but relying solely on the model to complete your homework can hinder your progress in the long run. It is important to approach learning with a growth mindset and actively engage with the material to understand and internalize the concepts fully. ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in your academic journey if used responsibly and in conjunction with your efforts.

Source: CNA

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