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AI Expert: ChatGPT’s Intelligence Is Underestimated | AI Writing Assistant

An AI expert claims that OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the popular chatbot based on large language models, is not as intelligent as people believe. Rodney Brooks, a robotics researcher, and AI expert, argues that the language models are far stupider than we think. He says they are good at saying what an answer should sound like but different from what it should be.

Brooks suggests that people have been vastly overestimating the capabilities of language models like ChatGPT. He explains that the models are good at generating text that sounds like a human wrote but lack a true understanding of the content. This means that the responses generated by ChatGPT may sound intelligent but do not reflect true intelligence.

Current Limitations Of AI Technology

Correlation Between Language And Meaning

One of the major limitations of AI technology, including large language models like ChatGPT, is the difficulty correlating language with meaning. While AI models can process and analyze vast amounts of data, they struggle to truly understand the nuances of language and the context in which it is used. This can lead to errors in interpretation and communication, which can mislead the user and undermine the credibility of the AI system.

Limitations Plaguing AI Tech

Another limitation of AI technology is the underlying model of the world that it is based on. AI models are trained on vast amounts of data, but this data is often biased and incomplete, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions and predictions. Additionally, AI models are limited by their ability to logically infer meaning from data, which can result in errors and inconsistencies in their output.

The limitations of AI technology are particularly evident in large language models like ChatGPT. While these models can generate impressive amounts of text, they often struggle to produce coherent and accurate responses to complex queries. This is partly due to the limitations of natural language processing, which is still a relatively new field and has yet to master the complexities of human language fully.

Despite these limitations, AI technology continues to advance rapidly, and researchers are working to overcome these challenges. By improving the quality and diversity of data used to train AI models and by developing more sophisticated algorithms for processing and analyzing language, it may be possible to create AI systems that can truly understand and communicate with humans meaningfully.

In conclusion, while AI technology has made impressive strides in recent years, it is still limited by its ability to correlate language with meaning and logically infer meaning from data. These limitations are particularly evident in large language models like ChatGPT, which struggle to produce accurate and coherent responses to complex queries. However, with continued research and development, overcoming these challenges and creating AI systems that can truly understand and communicate with humans meaningfully may be possible.

ChatGPT’s Intelligence

According to AI expert Rodney Brooks, OpenAI’s large language models, such as ChatGPT, are not as intelligent as they appear. In this section, we’ll explore the output and intellectual level of ChatGPT to understand Brooks’ claims better.

Output Of ChatGPT

Brooks argues that ChatGPT is good at “saying what an answer should sound like, which is different from what an answer should be.” While ChatGPT can generate plausible responses, they may not be accurate or helpful. ChatGPT has been known to generate nonsensical or offensive responses, which can be problematic for users who rely on it for information or conversation.

Intellectual Level Of ChatGPT

Another issue with ChatGPT, according to Brooks, is its intellectual level. He suggests that ChatGPT lacks ethical principles, such as telling the truth, avoiding harm, and treating people equally. Additionally, ChatGPT does not disclose its sources, making it difficult for users to evaluate the accuracy and credibility of its responses.

Despite these limitations, ChatGPT is still an impressive technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with machines. However, it’s important to recognize its limitations and use it appropriately rather than relying on it blindly.

Brooks’ claims highlight the need for continued research and development in AI, particularly regarding language models like ChatGPT. As technology advances, we must remain vigilant and critical of its capabilities and limitations.

The Future Of AI

Artificial General Intelligence

AI has come a long way since its inception. The development of OpenAI’s large language models, such as ChatGPT, has shown that AI can be used to generate text that is indistinguishable from human-written text. However, as AI expert Rodney Brooks has pointed out, these large language models are not as intelligent as people might think. The development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the next step in AI’s evolution, which will allow machines to perform tasks that require human-like intelligence.

Looking It Up

The development of AGI is still in its early stages, and researchers are still trying to figure out how to create machines that can think and learn like humans. There is no doubt that AGI will be a game-changer in AI, but many challenges remain to overcome. Researchers are looking to develop algorithms to learn from experience, reason, and understand natural language. They also want to develop machines that interact naturally and intuitively with humans.

Future Iterations

As AI technology evolves, we expect to see more advanced iterations. Future iterations of AI will be more intelligent, intuitive, and human-like. For example, researchers are developing machines that can understand human emotions and respond accordingly. This will allow machines to interact with humans more naturally and empathetically.


As AI technology continues to advance, there are risks involved in having an AI system supersede the intelligence of a human being. One of the biggest risks is that machines could become completely wrong, leading to disastrous consequences. For example, if a self-driving car makes a mistake, it could result in a fatal accident. There is also the risk that machines could become too intelligent, leading to a loss of control over the technology.

In conclusion, the future of AI is bright, but there are still many challenges to overcome. The development of AGI will be a game-changer in AI, but researchers must also be aware of the risks involved in developing machines that are more intelligent than humans. As AI technology continues to evolve, we must approach it cautiously and ensure that we are using it for the betterment of humanity.

The Sins Of Poorly Predicting The Future Of AI

A robotics researcher, and AI expert, Rodney Brooks, recently argued that people had been vastly overestimating OpenAI’s large language models, including its blockbuster chatbot ChatGPT. He believes that ChatGPT is way stupider than people realize and has serious limitations regarding understanding and responding to human language.

Brooks’s critique of ChatGPT is not new. Many experts have raised concerns about the limitations of large language models and their potential negative effects on society. For example, some researchers have warned that these models can perpetuate biases and stereotypes, as they are trained on vast amounts of text data that may contain inappropriate language and ideas.

Moreover, Brooks’ critique highlights the dangers of making bold predictions about AI without fully understanding its capabilities and limitations. Over the years, many experts have made grandiose claims about AI, only to be proven wrong or overly optimistic.

Some of the sins of poorly predicting the future of AI include the following:

  • They are ignoring the limitations of current AI technologies and overestimating their capabilities.
  • It failed to anticipate AI’s unintended consequences as job displacement, privacy violations, and social inequality.
  • You neglect AI’s ethical and social implications and treat it as a technical problem.
  • We assume AI will solve all our problems without acknowledging the human factors shaping our world.

Experts and policymakers must take a more cautious and nuanced approach to AI to avoid these sins. They should focus on understanding its strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to mitigate its risks and maximize its benefits. They should also engage in open and transparent discussions about AI’s ethical and social implications and involve diverse stakeholders in decision-making.


In conclusion, the recent comments by Rodney Brooks, an AI expert, have shed light on the limitations of OpenAI’s large language models on which ChatGPT is based. Brooks argues that these models are not as intelligent as we think, and they have difficulty understanding context and meaning. While they may be good at generating plausible text, they often lack accuracy and depth.

The recent controversy surrounding ChatGPT’s ability to generate explicit content has brought to light the ethical concerns surrounding machine learning and learning technology. While ChatGPT may be happy to write smut about freakishly obscure sex acts, it raises questions about the role of computer science in shaping our society’s values and norms.

However, it is important to note that ChatGPT and other large language models are still in their early stages of development. As machine learning technology advances, we can expect these models to become more sophisticated and accurate. It is important to approach these tools with caution, skepticism, and an open mind to their potential benefits.

The debate surrounding ChatGPT highlights the need for continued research and development in machine learning and natural language processing. As we continue to explore the capabilities of these technologies, it is important to remain mindful of their limitations and potential ethical implications.

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