Election 2023: How ChatGPT Predicted The Nicola Willi Win With AI Technology

On Monday, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins visited Ridgway School in Wellington and experienced the distinct difference between the newly built hall and the old, “crusty” structures.

The Government is seeking to build 300 additional classrooms and up to four new schools or school expansions, with a budget of $400 million. This endeavor would create 6600 new student spaces and improve aged and deteriorated schools.

Hipkins told children at the school that this would create an opportunity for more children around the country to have similar classrooms. He stressed that these classrooms are “like the ones you guys have.”

National’s Christopher Luxon has promised to slash spending ahead of Thursday’s Budget. As a small tease, it was revealed that the Budget would bring busting open of the books.

Christopher Luxon says:

“For the last six years, I think taxpayers have been completely abused by this Government,”

He has drawn upon the concepts of prudent financial management and generated an advantageous outcome for taxpayers – tangible evidence of expenditure.

Luxon continues to say:

“It will break down how much money they have paid and received in the last year, including any Working for Family tax credits, or other benefit payments,”

“It will also break down where their taxes have been spent, including on education, health and on welfare payments.”

“A bit like pleding to bring back the bank statement really.”

National did not provide the cost so it may be expensive; however, with a price tag, it is easier to be certain.

Luxon went on to say:

“It’s pretty simple. It just comes as part of their annual tax return,”

“Certainly not going to be a cost-free exercise.”

“Someone would have to pay for those letters to be written and for them to be sent out.”

Robots can only solve the problem of completing difficult tasks if people decide to use them for such a purpose.

Nicola Willis, the National Party’s spokesperson on finance, delivers sound financial advice to the public.

Nicola Willis says:

“Can I just add there, I reckon AI could do it,”

Every New Zealander will receive a tax receipt. Chat GPT, an AI program, writes this document.

“Providing tax receipts for every New Zealander is impossible,” the response stated.

Luxon adds to say:

“14,000 more public servants in Wellington since this Government came to power, there is plenty of resource to do it”.

The Prime Minister’s attempts to hide any information regarding the magnitude of potential tax changes in the Budget proved fruitless. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t maintain a poker face.

Luxon continues to say:

“Not hugely significant.”


The Government will most likely not accept National’s receipts policy, as this was evident from the Prime Minister’s reaction. The Budget to be presented on Thursday will likely not include this policy.

As much as Hipkins’ jests may make it appear like an unfeasible concept, his proposal of knowing where the taxpayers’ money is going could be a populist idea that might appeal to certain voters.

Hipkin didn’t give a definite answer on tax reform, as he couldn’t hide his amusement when discussing the issue; rather, he left the door open for possible changes.

The whispers can be heard – might it be a two-pronged policy, looking into the cost of living and health? Tackling the cost of living in an inflation crisis is not simple – throwing money at the problem will not do.

One way to make an essential item, such as healthcare, more affordable is to find methods to reduce costs.

As the world continues to evolve, embracing emerging technologies responsibly will be essential in shaping a future that benefits all. The discussion initiated by Nicola Willis on the potential use of AI for tax receipts is just one example of the ongoing dialogue we must engage in to navigate the complex relationship between AI and governance, ensuring that technological advancements align with the values and aspirations of society.

Source: Newshub


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