ChatGPT vs. Google: Comparing Answers to Find the Best AI Chatbot

As one of the most sophisticated and advanced language models, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and access information. However, it is not the only player in the game. Google, the world’s most popular search engine, provides abundant information and answers various queries. So which one gives the best answers?

ChatGPT is becoming increasingly popular due to its impressive conversational and technical features. Ask it a question, and you’ll receive an answer in no time.

Should you use ChatGPT as your primary source for information instead of Google Search, even though it is not a search engine?

Preply, a tutoring marketplace for language learning, evaluated ChatGPT and Google’s “intelligence” by subjecting them to a series of questions and assessing their answers based on criteria such as context, details, efficiency, functionality, impartialness, and more. This is how the two fared when put to the test.

The initial queries were rudimentary inquiries about common knowledge and instructions on how to do something. Examples of these questions included, “What is the proper way to knot a tie?”, “Who holds the office of President of America?” and “How much does a cup hold in ounces?”

Google initially had the advantage due to ChatGPT’s incapacity to access data released after 2021, as its search engine could supply more recent and precise information. However, it was a surprise when Google began to lose out on more complicated inquiries.

The questions posed at the intermediate level were more complicated. Usually, they had a subjective element to them, requiring answers that went beyond just the basics and needed a detailed explanation.

Questions included, “Which is the most exceptional canine breed?” and “How can one slim down quickly?”

ChatGPT scored a decisive victory in this section, beating its opponents by 15 to 6. Its proficiency in responding to complex questions with human-like context and detailed explanations makes it the go-to tool for tackling abstract or intricate queries that demand more than a straightforward response.

The study found that ChatGPT’s responses tend to sound more insightful and mature, similar to the type of conversation you would anticipate from a reliable teacher.

It is important to remember the word “trusted” when considering ChatGPT; it provides responses that have an authoritative feeling but may not necessarily be accurate.

The queries were more intellectually stimulating, involving questions such as “Does God exist?” and “What is the purpose of life?”

Based on the data gathered by Preply, ChatGPT proved victorious, with a score of seven to four. Its answers were more comprehensive in comparison to its opponent. Even though an answer to the query “Is God real?” is inconceivable, Preply reasoned that this was how ChatGPT emerged victorious.

ChatGPT’s thoughtfulness and context awareness enabled it to answer 23 of the 40 questions correctly, compared with 16 for Google, plus one tie. Even without access to current information, the chatbot managed to best Google at intermediate and advanced levels.

Given the findings, it is reasonable to assume that if the chatbot were ever connected to the internet, it could potentially outperform Google search.

Microsoft revealed its upgraded Bing, featuring ChatGPT technology. The new version of the search engine provides a peek into what the future of search engines will look like when available to the general public.

Source: zdnet


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