Learn About The Microsoft-OpenAI Partnership For AI Innovation

The technology industry is excited as Microsoft announces the launch of a new and improved version of Bing, powered by OpenAI technology. This partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI represents a major step forward in the evolution of search engines and can potentially revolutionize how we search the web.

To better understand the significance of this partnership and the future of search engines, we sat down with Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s CTO, and Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, for an exclusive interview. Get ready to learn about the future of search engines and how this partnership will impact the technology industry.

Yesterday, Microsoft held an event in Redmond to present their latest offering, the new Bing. This search engine is based on a model similar to ChatGPT, which promises to provide better & more accurate results.

Microsoft refrained from providing details about the AI model used for the new Bing other than noting that it was more sophisticated than GPT-3.5, which powers ChatGPT; this may be an indication of the introduction of GPT-4.

ChatGPT and the current interaction model are similar in that they each operate as a chatbot, which can be seen alongside search results or accessed via a pure chat interface. However, the major difference is that this new platform is much more aware of what’s happening on the web than ChatGPT.

In addition to a few other distinctions from ChatGPT, Bing provides links to references for the information it gives and keeps you updated on what it is searching for while you wait for your answer.

Those prompts’ objective guarantees that you are obtaining accurate outcomes, although it wasn’t quite as enchanting as ChatGPT.

That provides a good outline — a major difference from ChatGPT’s capacity to incorporate new facts — even though I shared an example on Twitter where Bing created a complete paragraph I had not composed.

I wondered if Bing had recently updated its platform; I’ve noticed that the answers to my queries have been much more concise than when they first came out.

The new Bing has two components: an OpenAI model, which can understand natural language and provide a basic foundation for understanding. The second component, ChatGPT, is reportedly only available until 2021.

Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Search, contended that the main innovation of Bing was in combining these two ways: traditional Bing search with another part.

Microsoft believes this to be a significant development: they not only held a special event for the announcement, but Satya Nadella said that it symbolizes the beginning of a new period similar to what was seen with PC/server and mobile/cloud eras. Moreover, he made it clear that Microsoft has Google in its sights.

For now, I am postponing any deeper examination of Microsoft’s announcement. I’m eager to learn more about Google’s search event today, preceded by a blog post from CEO Sundar Pichai on Monday concerning Google’s plan to introduce Bard, an innovative conversational AI service.

It would be great to have an actual product from Microsoft available for people to use, rather than it being a mere coincidence that the blog post and event coincided with the announcement.

The partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI to power the new and improved Bing represents a significant step forward in the evolution of search engines. Integrating OpenAI technology into Bing is poised to revolutionize how users search the web, offering them a more personalized and intuitive experience.

The insights Kevin Scott and Sam Altman shared in our exclusive interview provided valuable insight into the future of search engines and the impact this partnership will have on the technology industry. As search engines play a critical role in our daily lives, it’s exciting to see how this technology is headed and the potential benefits it will bring.

Source: stratechery


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