7 Years to Singularity: What Humanity May Achieve with AI Technology

The breakthroughs in the world of AI are evolving and developing at an unprecedented rate. Scientists now estimate that humans could reach artificial general intelligence (AGI), or Singularity, within 7 years. This groundbreaking possibility has the potential to revolutionize our everyday lives completely, so it’s only natural that there is a lot of eagerness from both scientists. We’ll explore the projections for Singularity, both optimistic and pragmatic, and its possible outcomes, along with steps moving forward to ensure safe development.

Technological Singularity could be achieved by utilizing a single unique measure before the decade is over or even sooner.

A metric, Time to Edit (TTE), was created by a translation company to measure the time it takes for professional human editors to modify AI-generated translations compared to human ones. This advancement could be useful in assessing the velocity of achieving Singularity.

A speech-translating AI with a human-level capability could majorly impact society.

The notion of “singularity” is an important one in the realm of artificial intelligence. It refers to the time when AI surpasses human oversight, leading to a rapid transformation of our world.

Forecasting the exact moment Artificial Intelligence reaches a point of Singularity is difficult due to its parallels with black hole physics. This “event horizon” is virtually unknowable, and what lies on the other side is impossible to determine.

AI researchers seek evidence that Singularity is imminent based on AI’s strides in attaining capacities similar to humans.

Translated, a Rome-based translation company has developed a metric that evaluates the accuracy of an AI’s ability to translate speech like a human’s.

AI’s greatest challenge is language, but with the proper development of a computer, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) may be attainable.

CEO Marco Trombetti said at a December conference in Orlando, Florida:

CEO Marco Trombetti says:

“That’s because language is the most natural thing for humans. Nonetheless, the data Translated collected shows that machines are not far from closing the gap.

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The company kept a close eye on the performance of its AI from 2014 to 2022 by utilizing a method known as Time to Edit (TTE). This metric counted the time for professional human editors to rectify translations created by AI compared with those generated purely by humans. This enabled them to understand how well their algorithm operated during this period.

For 8 years, after assessing more than 2 billion post-edits, Translated AI slowly but steadily advanced, reducing the gap concerning the translation quality of humans.


Translated states it takes a human translator approximately one second to revise each word of another human’s translation.

Professional editors now take only 2 seconds to check a machine-translated suggestion, which was previously around 3.5 seconds in 2015.

Translated AI will likely reach the same quality as translation created by humans sometime during the 2020s or even before then if current trends continue.

Trombetti went on to say:

“The change is so small that every single day you don’t perceive it, but when you see progress … across 10 years, that is impressive.”

“This is the first time ever that someone in the field of artificial intelligence did a prediction of the speed to singularity.”

This novel methodology to measure humanity’s proximity to achieving Singularity has its own set of difficulties analogous to those encountered when determining what constitutes Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Mastering human speech is an area of AI research that is being explored. However, it does not necessarily make a machine intelligent, and the definition of intelligence is up for debate among researchers.

It doesn’t matter if Translated’s AI breakthrough is a sign of our technological downfall; it remains an impressive achievement.

AI capable of translating speech and a human could potentially have a major impact on society, even if the concept of the “technological singularity” is yet to be attained.

Darren, a resident of Portland with a cat, is an experienced author and editor on science fiction topics and how our world operates. His past work can be located at Gizmodo and Paste with some effort.

In just 7 years, humanity may reach Singularity – the point at which machines surpass human intelligence, and we cannot predict their future behavior. This trend shows that we are rapidly approaching this theoretical point, and it is important to be aware of the implications. We must consider the ethical implications of creating super-intelligent machines as technology advances. What would a world run by machines look like? Is it something that we should strive for or try to avoid? These are questions that need to be considered as we move closer and closer to Singularity.

Source: Popular Mechanics


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